My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic

Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Just before his passing on January 10, 2014, Sam …


  1. I am in the early stages of my studies at the Faculty of Medicine and I have a thing in my mind that all abnormal fetuses must be disposed of while they are still in the stages of development inside the mother’s womb in order to avoid problems and all the negative things that will happen in the future for the fetus and its family ,I think it's the solution that the patient and his family want when things go wrong

  2. What a handsome and intelligent young man. im so sorry to hear of his loss, but i have to say, his parents had to be so very proud of the fine young man, with a great intellect and soul, that they had him for the short time they were blessed with him. RIP young man, i hope in heaven you found your true self.

  3. I just saw this the first time, and i do be kinda crying… such an amazing person.. i just found out he died in the same year, i would love to still see him on this planet.. or atleast become 18.. thats an amazing milestone too. Thanks for the happiness and the philosophy you gave us on your way. RIP Sam Berns

  4. Sam believed he could change the world. According to the comments he achieved that through this Video for many people including me.

    Thank you Sam and Rest in Peace

  5. I'm happy for him. He seemed like a great guy .
    I'm disabled and used to be well known in uk for accomplishing so much…
    …but sadly I surrounded myself with wrong people.
    My partner was toxic, as was some senior staff,and finally realised my family were toxic narcisists.
    Now I dont have long left …
    Just wish I acted on the damage they did to me, and walked away or contacted unions before it was too late.
    Sadly I was too kind, and chose to suffer in silence.

    Nowadays theres much more support.
    Message to all…
    …you can achieve anything ,
    ..what ever your abilities, disabilities or age…
    ..but surround yourself in the right people.
    Find people that bring out the best in you , not the worst.
    Put yourself first, be kind and grateful in life.

  6. It goes to show you, life is precious life is short. Enjoy it while you are in the here and now, tomorrow is never promised. Sam really put life in perspective rip 🙏


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