My Name Is Job And This Is My Story.

Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network ▻Music licensed through ▻Footage …


  1. To me when Satan and God are in conference, I get the impression Satan hated Man because Man had free will and self-determination! The inference here is Satan wanted a more equitable machine-like being. Maybe Man is granting Satan's wish now?

  2. I love god but even myself I wouldn’t take this wager because I would never sacrifice an innocent man’s life. I praise god but how does he have the privilege to judge us when he’s done some bad shit too?

  3. The Church of Christ has not existed for nearly 2,000 years. It perished as early as the first century after the death of the apostles. The faithful disciples perished, while the rest departed from the faith and the righteous were replaced by ungodly men. This is the death of the Church – when there are no saints left and the unrighteous rule the congregation. Two significant phenomena must take place before the Lord comes:

    1) The Church must rise. The gospel will be preached by the Church of Christ beginning in Jerusalem, not by pseudo-Christian congregations. Along with the Church will return the baptism of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. Today we do not see the baptism of the Spirit or the gifts of the Spirit in any of the congregations. This is the first and foremost sign of which the Lord spoke. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world as a witness to all nations; and then the end will come."

    2) The appearance of the Antichrist. The Antichrist is not only an adversary of Christ, but also an apostate from the right faith. There is no right faith now, it will return with the Church. The apostasy, however, will come later. Antichrist will oppress and persecute the saints. Ungodly men will rise up in the Jerusalem church and overpower the saints. The saints will leave the Jerusalem church. This is the abomination of desolation in God's Temple, that is, in the Church, and not in the Third Temple of Judea expected by many, which in no way can be considered God's Temple after the change in priesthood and rules for serving God. The Church will be defiled as its leaders will accept the Antichrist as an honorable leader and be guided by his teachings. But the church will not perish as in the first century, God will keep the saints alive until the coming of the Lord.

    Watch the video Watch the video "The mystery about the Church of Christ." Click on my name to go (English subtitles included)

  4. Jaciinda Job Thank You for this 🎁 gift💕💕💕‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🎤🎤🎤🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹✝️✝️✝️☦️☦️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️

  5. Jaciinda ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️☘️☘️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️👏👏👏👏

  6. I've been going through alot in the past 3 years, never been this bad. God has blessed me in the past, so much so, that after a blessing I got on my knees and cried, and praised him. I feel like Job right now. The past few years have been hard mentally, and financially. I was waiting patiently for it to get better, I was so miserable I was contemplating writing my own ending. I'm trying to read the word of God to find hope, I'm praying to feel the Holy Spirit, to help me get through this.

  7. 욥은 동방의ㅉ 의인으로
    묘사 되고 있으며…

    인간의 생사고락이
    하나님 손에 있으며

    죽기까지 하나님을
    믿고 의지 하면

    그 순종으로 말미암아
    더 큰 상급을 었는다는
    메세지 입니다

    욥을 가장 힘들 게한
    사람들은 세 친구로
    소발 이며

    이들은 각 지역의
    당대 최고 지성, 개성,
    이성의 권위자, 현자,철학자

    그러나 그들은
    하나님의 섭리와 이치에
    대해서는 무지 했으며..

    그러나 욥은
    친구들로 인해
    잠시 마음이 흔들렸 다가
    하나님의 등장에서

    존재의 헛됨을 깨닫고

    하나님의 전능하심과
    영의 세계에 대한 인지 함으로

    스스로 회개하고
    참 진리에 눈을 뜨게
    된 후

    이전의 삶보다 더
    좋아 졌습니다

    욥기는 현실과 영의 세계,
    심판과 용서, 하나님의
    절대적 주권들을
    보여 줍니다

  8. What was the purpose in making this video that incorporates some truth of the Holy Bible, then makes up other things, and gives a very poor English explanation of what they are trying to say? For example: 18:3018:45 Who is talking to who? The video of the elephant is ridiculous, as the Bible reading that his tail is like a cedar has already been read. Nowhere does the Bible say that the 3 friends were older than Job.

  9. 7::31🤐🤔😬🤨🤔 oh I wish that God would speak see they had the same recollection of the ways of the words of God the same knowledge as we possess we are all created equal the same way that the words of God since the very first man kind⏳👺📯🎓🧤🧦🧦 ✨💣🪦⚰️🪤⏱️⌛

    San Francisco they had no idea of recollection of the philosophy of God passed down through the genealogy through the generations that's where we have our head knowledge of the philosophies of God and the ways of the words of God same as what they were saying they're still praying to a third party God in we are have been informed that we are like God as God's created in the image and likeness of Jesus okay son of mankind so we will know what the father looks like the holy Ghost is a translucent Spirit the Father the deity okay and then we are been informed that all mankind created equally governed together giving us this day of God God has created mankind so that the ways of the words of God shall be left behind as the inherited hereditary inherited inheritance known as the trait belief the way of we were born intoknow what life is we was born into this way of life of living train up a child in the ways of the words of God so that the ways of the words of God shall not depart from thee lips being that we must think before we speak anything but the heart will contain the settlements of what you love the most if it's wrong over right well we have been instructed you right over wrong choose life over death see the true death will be to choose sinful nature of Tracy that would lead to oppression stress anxiety that will bring on the unhealthy lack of nutrient that's leading to sleep deprivation okay okay you have nutrient deficient sleep deprivation triggering The psychosis the lethargic brain fog okay okay add up all these days during a whole lifetime and the equates to a sickness health failure and disease ultimately deathhave we have been created with instructions anything created has instructions a set of instructions biblical biblical instructions before leaving Earth faith comes by hearing and hearing from the ways of the words of God given its serving instruction to all of mankind the Creed the edifies all of mankind at the same time no man Left behind faith comes by hearing and hearing from the ways of the words of God train up a child in the ways of the words of God so that the ways of the worst of God shall not depart from to be absent from the body is to be present with thee Lord in spirit form and God's mighty name God gave his only begotten son in spirit form the second time God gave his only begotten son back to mankind after the transition of the sacrifice The living sacrifice that had to be performed on the earth as the cross was made popular I deemed the cross was nothing but punishment and it was a normal routine but when they allow us to be set free and they crucify Jesus Jesusthe word of God yes the spirit of God yes given is the only sacrifice for the mankind as transgressions have been forgiven The living sacrifice that had to be performed on the earth in Jesus came just a sacrifice his life for the word of God and the word of God was man and mankind was word of God and the love for our neighbor was what Jesus was sent to the Earth for all thy neighbors is a living sacrifice that had to be performed on the earth so allowing bar rabbits to be gone and for Jesus to be sacrificed for he has forgiven them Father for they know not what they do as he give up his sin and said it is through he has send it into the heavens and spirit farm and he descended right back one more time you understand me yes the first time was when he was first from the womb of Mary God sent his Spirit of Jesus is his only by got his son the only one that has the perfect instructions of thethe Creed given to all of mankind as all of mankind is supposed to come in a line with the instructions of fervent instructions given to all mankind train up a child in the ways of the words of God for the high gate in the air gate for The mineshaft receive as a mouth shall speak but being the heart shall deem what you love the most being we are to give in order to receive least we are to receive what we have in Jesus name amen Jesus name and that's my" KING "

  10. I will never understand,why god being a god pays attention to satan,like god cares what satan think about us,its funny, im confuse,are you not,paying attention to satan,makes god ,smaller.

  11. Why has the narrator not included Satan's role in the story?
    Did i miss something?

    Job 1:6-8 (KJV) Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.
    And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.
    And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?

  12. Wow… So, here is the actual point of JOB from a Christian perspective;
    First of all, how can Job be blameless in God's sight if we know that all have fallen short of the glory of God and no one is righteous, not even one?
    Well, obviously, we can presume that Job kept the law, right? But Job comes before the Mosaic law so… what then?
    It has to be FAITH. Much like Abraham, who's FAITH was credited to him as righteousness before the law, Job was faithful and obedient.
    Next; God allowed Satan to test Job because, why?… Because He, God, KNEW Job's heart, and He TRUSTED him. Think about that. God trusted His servant Job. He trusted Him so much, that He used Him to make the devil look a fool. He knew that even if Satan did his worst to Job, Job would not fail the LORD and would not curse God.
    Interestingly, if we consider this from the perspective of the Jewish people who would have handed this story down in oral tradition, the very word, or the name, "Job", translates as "hated". The Jews have long been a hated people, and specifically for their faith in God.
    So NOW, as Christians, with the Jewish people having rejected the cornerstone, the Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus; that leaves Christ's followers, Christians, in the position of being "hated" for HIS, Christ's, namesake. We are now hated for our faith, and God is trusting us not to curse or fail Him as the Devil throws everything He's got at us. God knows we, His chosen, His servants whom He now calls Friends, will choose Him over this world and conforming to its image.
    In addition, It is interesting to note that Job's three friends were chastised by the Lord for what essentially amounted to legalism and useless condescending, condemning "help" they offered Job. Job was counciled directly by the LORD before He was restored and redeemed. Yet, a child, a youth, a young person, Elihu, which means, "My God is He", speaks the truth to all four of the other men and basically mic-drops then walks off and if you look carefully, you will notice that Elihu is NOT corrected or called out like Job, Zophar, Eliphaz, and Bildad. So… yeah. Don't reject or ignore people because of their youth or gender etc… When the Holy Spirit speaks, listen up.
    The point is not that God is going to give you everything your flesh ever desired because you went through some trials. It is so much more than that. I leave it to you who are blessed enough to have read this whole diatribe, to digest and consider and learn.
    God bless you and keep you.
    In Jesus' name, Amen.

  13. This is literally me i was most handsome,top of my class and tallest one .Literally 12 years ago severe acne affected me and left me severe acne scars and after so many disturbances i am now jobless. I stopped praying god as things were not getting better and i don't even know why am i even alive today.


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