The long awaited Anora devotional MY HELPER is now live. #myhelperthemovie #anoradevotional #awakeochristian …


  1. Sweet Holy Spirit i love you but I know You love me more than I can love you

    Continue slapping me Precious Holy Spirit it's good to be slapped by you than by men. Thank you Anora

  2. This is my current situation, everything literally. This video was God sent, thank you Jesus. Blessings team

    I was also hungry today, told my husband and he came home with this video 😢

    It’s been rocky but I am grateful for Holy Spirt

    Please remember us wives in your prayers!!!

  3. Thank you so much, Anora Media. This is not just a movie, I have experienced it. I am beginning to lose count of how many times the Holy Spirit will tell me to call someone or sebd them a message while praying, and these calls always yield fantastic results. The Holy Spirit really wants to help us; let's learn to include Him in all that we do. Nothing is too small to pray to God about.

  4. The holy spirit has seen days with us 😂😂😂😂. He really wants to help you, but you aren't sensitive to his voice, but instead you're farting for him 😂. Aaaaaaah……chibuzor You surely deserved a hot slap…..😊Lol

  5. I saw this movie last night, my family were listening to the movie and my sister asked is that film I said yes, so it got to the part were holy Spirit was just telling CHIBUDOR to pray that they are deliberating on his matter, then I turned to my mom and said mom is it possible for holy Spirit to slap of beat someone that CHIBUDOR is annoying me, then be before you know one hand just slapped CHIBUDOR from sleep 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    I screamed I was laughing and all over the parlour last night I was even telling my sister that I didn't fast forward the movie so you won't think I knew what the next scene was

    I was really happy with the slap

    God bless Anora team more inspiration in Jesus name Amen


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