Good day, Welcome to Emeka Anslem’s YouTube Channel. Emeka Anslem is an inspirational teacher saddled with the …


  1. We are redeemed as men and women to be wandered at… surely you have become a thing of wonder!! A hollow wonder. Anybody who passes by stares at your hollowness. You are surely to be pitied.

    People often wonder how the bad thief refused to repent even though he was nailed at the cross and dying. His mind was so fixed on stealing he asked Jesus to bring him down, so that he could go on with a life of theft.

    Look to Oyedepo to understand this unbridled lust for material accumulation.

    And sure enough, because he is a master of reverse psychology, he pontificates that his grandchildren have got a gift for him. When in fact, he has amassed wealth for his dynasty for the next 1000 years. Sadly, bewitched galatians who contributed to this opulence are nodding like lizards and clapping like trained seals. Sometimes, they even Yelp like dogs. They have no idea where the next meal is coming from but papa with his bottomless greed for money is still collecting from them.
    You would think at this age, this kleptoparasite will moderate his utterances and pivot to a more demure outlook, refocusing his attention to the afterlife but the bad thief in him won't let him rest. And he ploughs on to his ultimate doom.

    Pray for Oyedepo!!


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