My Friend Got ROBBED while Filming a Video

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  1. As a director from the hood in NYC I'll give you guys a few tips for shooting in bad areas.

    1. Make sure you get paid before hand and it's worth it just incase you get robbed you made some money back at least.
    2. Try to only show up with just your camera unless you got paid really well.
    3. Bring a team of people. You are less likely to get robbed if you have a few heads on your side.
    4. Make sure you have insurance for your equipment.
    5. Always keep an eye on your equipment, maybe carry it in a backpack.
    6. Don't let anyone touch your things you don't trust.
    7. Always watch your back and be respectful.
    8. If you make it obvious you're not from the area you are more likely to get robbed. Walk with a straight posture head held high.
    9. If it seems sketchy just turn around go home and give a refund (this takes more experience living in the hood than anything).
    10. If they do try to rob you and have a knife/gun, just give them your shit. It's not worth your life.

  2. so i was the director behind young dumps can do i recently got my equipment camera phone and i got savegly beaten up and robbed if u want i would like you to react to this im tryna raise awarness to other people on my facebook there is more information on this event leighton nicholls is my fb ive setup a fundraising paise to help me try get back on top but me and my mate attended a shoot on friday and got robbed in a block of flats we lost aloot of stuff i thought it would be a cool vid for you to react too kind regards,


    the link if u wanna help me out

    i was with tom when this happened and im leighton the one that got beaten up messed up eye sight and everything
    great vid btw

  3. Oh this kids from Wolverhampton ok not too far at all from Birmz at all . Unfortunately you can't film things like that round here without protection or knowing everything and everyone. Respect is everything when stepping into that field here in Birmingham and it's not about being completely "professional". Be safe young ones

    My advice when filming grime music videos in Birmingham is if you can't consider the people you are filming "family" then don't get involved. This culture isn't for everybody


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