My Father Married A New Wife And Chased Me&My Mother Out Of D House But God Saved Us/African Movies

In this Nigerian movie, Starring: Nosa Rex, Joyce Kalu, Don Charles Maduka, Comfort Iwara and other Nollywood actors.


  1. No man cheats because his wife was lacking during the marriage,men cheat because that's who they are.They want to eat their cake and have it too. Women should never go against each other,that is why we are the weakest link. We must stand together and look out for one another as well as RESPECT one another.💕

  2. Sorry ooo. Suffering to remain MARRIED??? Are you not my husband??? Give me a break! Some women will get deleted because of side chicks. No wonder there are so many infections out there. He disrespected, insulted and disgraced his family, but, MARRIAGE, MY HUSBAND is ALL some women know, no matter physical or verbal abuse, side chicks brought into the home, children disrespected, so called marriage. The woman is expected to FORGIVE him no matter what( the song says it) CULTURE? Nigerian women are changing that nonsense talk, bit by bit. When women in a PATRIARCHAL society are brought up and from childhood, that the man is the head of the house, he makes ALL decisions, what he does is fine and women are their housekeepers and less, this is the outcome. A woman who depends totally on a useless man. I could say more but won’t. That’s why some of the men are fearful when the wife travels abroad🤣🤣🤣


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