See Glen he smart as hell ain’t nobody and I mean nobody didn’t have to tell him nothing he already know off too to not trust no one and that was a real brilliant way to come up with that in his mind just too see if she lying or not bcuz he love and want to watch out for his friend
If anyone was going to hide their drinking they wouldn't leave the brand new bottle in the cabinate!!!! Of course it was planted there, Duhhh! Don't like husband allready
I feel like I think the babysitter pink let's take you want the mother to die the child a child and he actually I'll try to talk to the principal from is the school to make sure the to make sure the girl funny girl understand math
I'll come back once there's some comments to see if it's worth my time 😉
It's a good movie…Worth the watch
Good movie😊
Didn’t know Tom Sandoval was an actor.
How is it that a husband is prone to believe a nannie he knows only for one day over his wife he has known for years?
Meredith Thomas is a hot actress 🔥
Movie makers are so brain dead from drugs. they can't even stay with reality when making a movie
The husband is stupid. Believes the nanny over his wife. What a jerk
I was doing all that at 14. I also had a job a 14. From Australia xo
Lebron James has surpasssd Michael Jordan as the greatest basketball player who has ever existed?
Good movie
Movie Title: A Nanny To Die For
I would've left him so quick.. it's diabolical that he believes the nanny I'm so pissed
Good movie
I love how these movies always find different ways to cover up logos on their devices whether it would be stickers or in this case a piece of tape lol
See Glen he smart as hell ain’t nobody and I mean nobody didn’t have to tell him nothing he already know off too to not trust no one and that was a real brilliant way to come up with that in his mind just too see if she lying or not bcuz he love and want to watch out for his friend
Thank you.
why these couple can not notice thing in the house
Sandoval scored a gig🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅
Is barefoot a thing in every American Home?
Waste of time!
If anyone was going to hide their drinking they wouldn't leave the brand new bottle in the cabinate!!!! Of course it was planted there, Duhhh! Don't like husband allready
Mom’s hair style- bad, C wave on top big No- eyebrows- bad- needs a make over to be on front of a camera
How ungrateful is she. Like women just wanna work. Y'all are getting weird
Omg yes
To many adverts
Good Movie 🍿 ❤
How could anyone not detect her underlying devious way ?
This mom has issues
Great Movie worth watching
The father and daughter actually look alike. Good movie!
The movie ended upabruptly, like it was incomplete.
It was very informative
I feel like I think the babysitter pink let's take you want the mother to die the child a child and he actually I'll try to talk to the principal from is the school to make sure the to make sure the girl funny girl understand math
Poor Glenn
The comments look good, I will watch it. 🎬
People need to stop letting strangers in their house, especially around their kids.