1. HELLO my friends you see this lying and cheating and conniving and stealing what does this show you everything that is in the darkness shall always come to light this is a crazy movie whoever wrote this I give them props thumbs up all the way add May God be the glory!!!

  2. We have a saying in Jamaica that duppy know who fi frighten and I believe it every day. I could NEVER be a slave in my fathers house. People would have random diarrhea episodes because I would be fucking people up.

  3. This man is running down his son that has his own girlfriend while his wife and his daughter who are pregnant for the same man his standing and watching. This husband his too weak.

  4. Good๐Ÿ“บmovie The house of abomination. there fire on the๐Ÿ”ฅmountain.Everything in the dark comes to the light.* Secret cheating and lying is not a mistake it's always planed. The Father started out to weak.*But he foundly open his eyes up about his cheating wife. Forgive and send the cheating wife packing. Hard for a cheater to change their stripes. l wouldn't sent my daughter out of the house. if was his cheating wife fault.*They're daughter is pregnant by a fake family member into her home. God heard her fake prayers for he goat boy friend and send her boyfriend and spoiled children from the house. God don't like ugly.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ‘

  5. My heart hurts for Mary and seeing her cry like that. I could not imagine such a loss and then to be mistreated. It wasn't her fault she's the child of a different wife. I also think the father could have been more tactful with his wife. Still watchingโ€ฆ


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