My Daddy Is In Heaven

Becca and Adam Smith along with their 5-year-old daughter Acie are a perfect family until a tragic accident during a 4th of July …


  1. My husband died 16 years ago. Our son was 18 months old. Our daughter 8 years old and our oldest son was 10 years old. I was so lost in grief and so stuck in survival mode that it wasn’t until last year I that I realized I wasn’t the only one who lost someone that day. I spent all that time trying to get through the day. I was drowning in grief. I never stopped to see the grief in others. Including our children. Don’t judge a grieving widow for their short comings. Help them instead.

  2. Why did Becca scream "DON'T TOUCH ME" twice to Ronnie (the black bouncer), who was coming to her rescue, but was willing to suffer sexual abuse at hands of HANDSOME GUY who ignored her telling him NO twice?

  3. Such a wonderful movie indeed. I kind of concern about little Acie and when she was sitting in her grandfather's lap at the party. Isn't her mother nearby? I hate what happened to Adam at the fourth of July celebrations. People like to joke around a bit. Just joyously. Make more movies of this only this time a group of African Americans family.

  4. I lost my husband in an accident who took to my children ages 5 and 6 from previous marriage ,as his own and my son from my my 2nd husband was only 5 weeks old! I was attaining my Drafting degree with the support from my 2nd husband, 1 semester before he passed away. Through his benefits I was able to get through and attain my Drafting Degree 3 yrs later! He supported me 100% as my 1st husband told me I wouldn't amount to anything!

  5. Beautiful Thank You So Much for sharing this POWERFUL
    There Are People Out There That Needed
    This. Thank You For Spreading Gods Work.
    God Bless You Now Today and Always!

  6. Through all the twists 💔 and turns, this movie was excellent.
    Life can get pretty messy at times, but when we trust JESUS we have hope… That everything will eventually turn out just fine.
    Thank you
    For Your perfect will in our lives.


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