A child coming out as gay to their parents can be daunting for both parent and child, but Becket Cook, a successful production …


  1. being gay is not bad. you can't control who you are. to judge someone for their natural ways is bad. if you like god and you believe that, it's fine. but when you go out of your way to hurt others for being gay or yell at them, then you are not doing a good thing.

  2. Being Gay isnt a Lifestyle 😂 its just the way you are🤷🏼‍♂️♥️🌈 This guy can do whatever he want, but telling others being in celibate is what god wants is crazy…

  3. Non Christians will never understand. Celibacy is a higher calling, it is not less, in Christianity it is a higher calling than marriage. This man coming into the lifestyle of celibacy from homosexuality is a higher calling than even marriage is. Only those with the Holy Spirit can understand this.

  4. But i feel it is soo very wrong for 2 people of the same sex, n today my son said he is gay, i think he is joking, he better be but if he is he needs to move out of my home, i dont want that here! Im sorry but i cannot deal with something like that and i freaking refuse to!!!!

  5. This turns my stomach,I have ben out sense I was 32 and I'm 43 now. I was raised in a religion that made me feel ashamed for who I am. I was a lcoholic once because I use to num my self with alcohol because I had so much pain,alot of it was I didn't feel exseptanse from people closest to me and I didn't love my self,I went to AAA twice and it never stuck and I went back and forth with alcoholism all of my 30s but God completely heald me of alcoholism 3 years ago. I never had a sip of alcohol since then. I have never had convection of me being gay. If that guy is closer to God for being selabent good for him but that tells me hes still not attracted to a woman. Don't tell the rest of us in the LGBTQ+ Community for us to have God's love whole hartedly we need to be selabent so we don't so called 'sin' , it's a crock,shame on people makeing othere people feel bad for who they love,it's our right. I didn't drink because I was gay I drank because I had no peace and I didn't realize I could be gay and a Christain but alot of so called Christians haff to have it cut and dry well let me put some butter on it,Jesus loves us all,Red,Orange,black and white,Yellow,Green,Blue and Purple,we are precious in his sight. My goal is for younger jenerations from middle school, high school,20s and up to prevent them from feelings of shame of who they are and have a right to be and know God loves them,this will prevent alcoholism and people turning to drugs,there self worth comes from hearing love and exseptanse from their parents, teachers and friends,though as they get older and even if they turn to drugs and alcohol,God can still take them out of the pit like he did me and they will find who is really there for them.If there is any one feeling shame from this video and is reading this,know I'm a gay man and God loves me and has shown me his grace and he loves you too just the way you are dont let judgemental people bring you down,you are beautiful the way you are.🌈

  6. Our family consists of mostly gay Muslims. My brother came out as straight and Christian last year. The whole family was up in arms. My two dads almost disowned him. We showed him in the Quran where he can change. Through Allah all things are possible. You can leave the wicked Christian lifestyle. Being straight is a choice. Come into the arms of Muhammad. Peace be upon him.

  7. if you really understand what was happening in Graeco-Roman culture and why it was hurtful, then you would understand that they could repent from it and why "such were some of you".

    if you try to apply that to people who have no option but to love and be loved by someone of the same secs, you end up being the ones hurting people.

  8. I try to read the bible and be good but every time I jerk off, I accidentally think of jesus on the cross right when I bust! Ive read this may be OCD, gonna keep praying and trying different techniques >.<

  9. Deliverance, theophostic healing and LOTS of prayer time with God to deliver you from the demonic seed of homosexuality.

    a former bisexual now set free from sexual sin for 18 years

  10. “Parents need time to grieve and mourn” why, it’s their child!!! They should accept and love their child however. It is your child. How does it affect you. “Oh but the kids” adoption exists and if you want a “bio” child, surrogacy.

  11. I dont believe in a Devine Being. So trying to go to a sick Konservation Therapy that they did with you and you gave in is even more worse. You should relize that There is no GOD. Its only a believe. I dont believe there is something. Im not a Slave of a Religion. I hate the Catholic Church they took everything away what I wanted. When I left them My Pink and colorful LIfe Started and My family was very helpful in those hard times.


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