My Calling: Then and Now | Classic Sermon by Billy Graham In this powerful sermon, Billy Graham delves into the spiritual and …


  1. The Lord , Je’sus Christ our Lord .is calling you then : and now !
    Ye must , answering Him !
    This could be , your last change :
    What going on , unto this world now , ye must have Christ , in your life .
    If not , this nation , will eat you alive :
    Folks , isn’t , all the news is true ?
    My goodness :
    Truly if is true , my goodness .
    All I can say , have mercy Lord , have mercy!

    Truly . some folks out there , is hurting . hurting , they love one first . their were happy , joyful , specially , the family , they hug embrace , that moment , laughter , and suddenly , just like that , they gone .
    Amazing folks , Amazing .
    Pray , folks Pray , we must Pray unto the Lord.
    Not only for our family , but Pray also , with others .
    The Philippines folks , is like sardines ,
    So much people , the wind , dint had no free course , to went through :
    So many people , so the wind , is blocking to went through.
    That’s why is so hot in the Philippines
    So hot folks :
    What we see , now going on in this world ,
    Choice Christ folks :
    Now I understand , wat the Scripture Saith 66 Book ,
    Saying ,
    Tomorrow , are not promising :
    It is time for me to listen unto thus message :
    Folks , don’t let the sun . go down . Without , Praising the Lord :
    Amen .


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