Omolewa, a notorious prostitute, faces many life challenges that got worse even after she repented, gave her life to God, and …


  1. Lewa and mummy story were actually my stories and till today I am still facing the conceconses . God bless you all am so glad that I come across this movie. More anointing in Jesus name amen ❤

  2. What a great lesson here, he who thinks he stands let him take hid, he who covers his sin shall not prosper, but he confesses and forsake it shall obtain mercy. If lewa had confessed the first time to the pastor's wife am prity sure it won't have happened the second time.

  3. May the Lord help his church. Two things to deliberate on: how we deliver words of knowledge that doesn’t end up damaging God’s children on sensitive issues matter and while we do not condone sin as parents, we need grace to help the fallen ones especially as ministers of God. Sex outside marriage is highly forbidden but at the same time how we handle such information (pregnancy out of wedlock) is equally crucial. Only God’s grace can help us all. There are so many lessons to take home – maintaining boundaries, dealing with disappointments, avoiding judgemental attitudes, the list is endless. Well done, cast and crew. May we all finish well. Amen

  4. I love the way the pastor and the wife handled lewa matter,if the body of Christ could actually handle so many cases like this with love we won't have deceits. It's because so many are saying what will people say that makes them pretend and end up committing more atrocities

  5. A movie with a lot of lessons, but you didn't tell us about the fiance of Omolewa, was she not meant to marry him? Did they break the relationship? Does it mean that whoever impregnates a lady is who she should get married to??

    I would love if this can be answered
    Thanks to the writer and producer 🙏

  6. This movie is a blessing! God bless pst Adeboyega. Very different story line

    I learnt to never underestimate the power of relationships with the opposite sex, especially people we aren't related to by blood.

    Let he that thinks he standeth, take heed, lest he fall.


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