Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:53:22. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


    • ut7ynw
      43mo , y”(££8€, by by
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  1. I never listened to one sermon until I heard that he passed. Wow. Glad I found this message! I think he finished the work that he was given by God to do.

  2. 29:06 “Whatever you can endure, you’ll never change. Whatever you can tolerate, God will never move.” Now THAT blessed me!!!!!

  3. This is timely at this moment and time ….The Holy Spirit is the most important person in this season of Covid 19 and when we cannot fellowship in churches. The Holy Spirit is my teacher.

  4. One of the greatest preachers of our time. Without meeting him before his exit from this plant, still impacted my life very positively. May your soul RIP, in Jesus Christ Name Amen! ADIEU

  5. Wow! It is one thing to have the Holy Spirit but a completely different thing for the Holy Spirit to have you. What a gift and great teacher we had in Dr. Munroe.

  6. I love Dr Myles sermons a lot,but I have a question to the concern people on his YouTube channels ,WHY ARE HIS VIDEOS REMOVED?I love to watch him preach not just the voice,please help return them,Who else feels the same all over the world.say something

  7. The most important person in the earth is the Holy Spirit because he is the one that God the Father and God the son sent to do the work of the Holy Spirit on earth.


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