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  1. How many of the men of God critisizing Branham knows how their end will be. Br Branham said earlier on that his death is not going to be natural. He predicted it and it came to pass. May God help this our generation.

  2. May God bless you Man of God.. Only someone who has the real spirit of God can know the true man of God . May God inscrease your ministry Sir with the prophetic Power and manifestation of holy ghost… mat God bless you bro !!!

  3. God told Kenneth Hagin that he's going to call William Braham home. He was in Error at that point in his life. After Hagins prophecy William Braham died in an accident. It was sad for the church. He was such a great man we can all learn from especially his mistakes.

  4. what you say is just entertainment because there is nothing Branham taught that you implement in your entertainment industry…. he preached holiness and righteousness, all you do is power here and there.
    … anyone in this church in error… you are not a BORN AGAIN CHURCH.. THAT IS HELL REPENT PLS.

  5. KAMALA HARRIS is not saved just like many politicians like Trump who infiltrated the white evangelicals with satanic chaos. PRAY FOR ALL LEADERS… " so they might lead in peace". God is realistic HE knows leaders cannot all be Christians but can lead in peace. look at the Scandinavians.

  6. i believe william branham did not prophesy about kamala harris ,maybe we are making hasty decision to think its kamala harris, i believe we will see that women in the next election.

  7. William Branham, A man used by God so mighty and as a follower of this Prophet, I am convinced that he was a Prophet of our time. God showed him the end time and all his 7 visions have been fulfilled. He was born with a sign and he died with a sign. We who have followed the message, have been changed by the word of God through him. He refused to be called a prophet, but he is justified in the Bible in Malachi 4: 5-6, Revelations 10:7 …He said call me Brother, cause i am looking towards that Kingdom.

  8. 23:00 I agree with you that Rev William Marrion Branham is actually the last of such ministers,: a major prophet. God gives one major prophet at a time and the last gentile Church Age, laodicea church age prophet is Rev William Marrion

    Branham. Malachi 4: 5 – 6. What awaits as now is rapture of the bride of Christ and the tribulation of the church . We pray for grace for all of us. May God bless you

  9. Correction, Mathew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
    its not possible to decieve God's elect.


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