Sharing The Truth In Love Video Credits:Prophet Uebert Angel Disclaimer This video contains copyrighted material that has …


  1. The bottom line is if you are really a student and a servant to the Holy spirit, you will not be above his correction , especially after you error…. because he convicts….. only those who are proud will ignore his corrections… which are so convicting and most times the one under correction is required to make amends or Correction publicly or privately based on the terms obtaining.

    It's part of growing up in our walk of faith….

    Otherwise a lot of Christian leaders have a lot of apologies to confess ,but pride keeps hindering them…but it's just a matter of time.

  2. JOHN CHPT 6 IS THE TITLE DEED TO ETERNAL LIFE IN CHRIST, and the BIBLE tells to be slow to speak and quick to hear and that some won't taste death until JESUS come. Family we must ask GOD for WISDOM when it comes to the things of GOD. Also ask for revelation knowledge in JESUS CHRIST HOLY NAME ?

  3. I love prophet Angel, what he did shows maturity. Yet he is one of the rare man of God who is misunderstood by many not talking about outside of the body of Christ, not talking about just any christian but the leaders. Yet he is strong he knows better not to respond yet he can embarrass anyone who attacks him.. thats not the case, humility & respect is what is needed to show others in their calling of Lord God. Every biblical revelation must reveal Christ so that Christ can reveal the Father then after knowing him we know who we are because we are made to be like him to talk like him , to see like him , to think like him and to act like him. We are found in him.❤

  4. Truth and love pastor Chris only touches on immortality but the one appointed for that is pastor JOHN ANOSIKE
    That’s why Christians persecute him they don’t understand his message

  5. When we're young n energetic with worldly education, we always taught we know better than our predecessors (forefathers) until we grow into their matured wisdom. We were opposing them here and there.

  6. "Maturity will erase your revelation" .. By Prophet Eubert Angel. I respect a man who acknowledges his mistakes and let others learn from them.. To God be the glory ?

  7. Kobus was a great teacher.
    His messages are great. Immortality is in the realm of light. We believe the Gospel is here but have refused to received its total package. His has abolished death and brought life a d immortality to light through the Gospel..
    He came that we may have life That tree of life in the garden oEdwn that Adam and Even did not eat and God also spent them out and ensured that they didn't go back to pluck it cos they came to have knowledge of good and evil has been placed for us in the realm of knowledge or light.

  8. You are wrong. We should not die. Death was brought by Satan. So we have the power to live. . Those whom we say they died they are asleep. . Read Paul's epistles to the Corinthians. You are lost sir.Angere.Herbert.


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