(Music Free) The Baptism of the Holy Spirit ~ Four sermons by John G Lake

(Music Free) Watch the John G Lake Collection ! https://youtu.be/O3ir2CR34zQ ~Four sermons on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit by …


  1. ThankYou4Sharing Revelation N Spot On What We ALL Need N Not Optional BE YE FILLED N Not by might Not by power BUT By HIS SPIRIT 1 SPIRIT N Not Mixtures Cuz GOD is NOT the Author of Confusion an NOT of word speech or dead preach BUT IN POWER N We Would Recieve POWER After That The HolyGhost SPIRIT Would Come Upon US 2 Be HIS Witnesses N The LOVE of GOD is Shed Abroad in Our Hearts By The HolyGhost SPIRIT N Tonques Giftings N JOY Unspeakable N FULL of Glory N ALL the FRUITS of The SPIRIT We Shall Know Them By their Fruits N They Have Love One Towards Another!!! YES LordJESUS Grant US 2 Die Daily N Another DOSE Of The HolyGhost From The King of Glory The Lord Of Hosts With The Most Cuz HE Inhabits The Praises of HIS People N YES Peace That Passes ALL Understanding N YES POWER PRESENCE N Filled Up N NO room 4 Junk in the Trunk Delivered Healed N WHOLE Ness In Christ Bubbling OVER Out of our Bellies Shall FLOW RIvers of Living WATER LIFE Giving Water THAT same SPIRIT That Raised Christ From The DEAD N Dead Death Hell N The Grave KEYS 🔑 2 The Kingdom OF GOD Lead Yielding N Sensitive 2 HIM OUR Comforter Counselor Strengthener Standby One Called AlongSide2 HELP N Have Your Will N Way 2Day In ALL of US HOLY GHOST SPIRIT N Greater Annointings N Greater Works N Greater Signs Wonders N MIRACLES That Destoy YOKES Set FREE N FREE Indeed n RENEW Our YOUTH Like The Eagles 2 Soar Above In HIS Everlasting LOVE N ALL Junk Fall OFF – Birds Fly In Flocks But Eagles Soar ALONE But NOT Alone HE Makes HIMSELF REAL Manifestion That HE is With US Always !!! ❤ 🕊 MuchLove


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