(Music Free) A Manifestation of God to the World ~ by John G Lake

(Music Free) You were meant to be a Manifestation of God to the World! Watch the John G Lake Collection …


  1. Thank you SO MUCH Rev Elation 💗 The LORD has given you such a beautiful voice and ability to read and make every point so clear 💜 All the whole remaining calm and soothing for those around us ☦️ so when you let the reading be the music 🎶 which it is 🎼 others tend to relax and even listen in to the message or peacefully leave it … while the music ones must be listened to where no one will be bothered 🎉 so thank you for letting your reading be GOD’s instrument 🎻

  2. Minute 3:20+++ GOD 1 or 3 or both — Awesome Explanation of what blows my mind often — comfort I have received at the verse “God is able to do above and beyond anything we could ask or imagine!” So—Almighty Everlasting Omnipresent Omnipotent Omniscient GOD our creator Could Actually Be All And in All and at the same time place a drop of His own Soul +++ into the womb of Mary with all the limitations of a man, all the while remaining in His unimaginable power and glory. Also, GOD could very capably have chosen Jesus as the One and only if all souls He created to be the One found Worthy to carry His Spirit & Be His Son & Save the world. The fact is—GOD is amazing & Above & Beyond anything we could ever imagine or figure out. I love John G Lake’s aspect of understanding here. Whenever we can completely comprehend GOD fully, we limit Him. And yet—must our beloved Father GOD love it when His children toss and strain and search and seek to comprehend these aspects of His brilliance 💞


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