Moving Beyond Betrayal

Nicole C. Mullen discusses how to forgive after walking through hurt and betrayal.


  1. You women that worship other people because of their looks are just like the world. You post pictures of yourself or other women that scream look at me I’m beautiful, yes she is a beautiful woman of God but what if she weren’t physically? What about all the other women in the world who never have been blessed with physical beauty? This is and has been the problem in the world and so called Christians are no different in what they deem admirable and value.

  2. I was blessed to meet her on the airplane from Texas to Nashville a couple weeks after my son got killed she was in the seat in front of me and heard me cry I was trying to be quiet but Nicole heard she asked me what was wrong and we prayed together she was a godsend that I needed that moment in my life. She even had her one of her assistants to give me a CD we get to the airport in Nashville at the luggage collection area all I know is she has made a difference in my life I love her forever she is my sister in Christ she is real may God continue bless her life because she sure blessed mine.

  3. Like when a husband dies from a sudden illness or maybe even a wife from a long illness, I know of such cases where people I know personally avoid at all costs going back to the church they went to, had there spouses funeral at, don't want to go back as a widow or widower because they don't feel comfortable being asked how you feel at the loss of your spouse and don't want grief and how are you and the children doing questions? They can't stand pity or a pity party. I don't like it either.

  4. This is me fulfilling my promise, he’s my favorite after so many heartbreaks. I thought it was time to give myself a break and focus on my job while trying to heal from my previous toxic relationship. After about a year and half I met a man who turned out to be my daughter’s boss , I was reluctant at first but his persistence and high spiritedness got me submissive. We started getting along so well , no day passes without constant communication, I fell in love and didn’t want to be hurt ever again; told him my weaknesses and he told me his, along the line he came across his ex and his attitude towards me started getting cold. Seemed like deja vu all over and so I couldn’t let the anxiety tear me apart. I met a colleague who introduced me to the best set of Private investigators ultimate hack , I contacted and hired them almost immediately and they requested a down payment to commence the job after targets cell number was provided. After few hrs they responded with all the deleted and recent messages , Whats App Facebook Instagram Snapchat gps and archives of pictures he has been sending out; I practically had access to his phone without his knowledge. Turns out he connived with his young sibling to test my patience and tolerance, all the info was carted to me , thanks to the hackers I now pass his test with ease, lol . For assistance on how to track or monitor your spouse email ultimatehack003@ gmail com or Whats App/call/text +17202954268 I wish you well as You find out the truth about your partner just like I did


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