movies and shows that I WON’T watch or REGRET watching | christian perspective | Nastasia Grace. If you liked this video you’ll …


  1. AUGH I watched the new Sabrina both seasons and MAN do I regret watching it 🥴 back when it came out I thought “it’s just a show, it’s not real so it’s harmless” but now that I look back… that show is pure evil y’all. Like you’re pretty much empathizing with these satan worshipping characters and the devil himself without even realizing it. I remember feeling weird like I wasn’t supposed to be watching it as I was watching it. I really regret watching it 🥴 stay away from those kinds of shows y’all

  2. As a Reformed Christian (saved from the false religion of Roman Catholicism) I honestly won’t watch any “Christian” movies (i.e. the Sherwood church movies, the God’s Not Dead movies, the Pureflix movies, Candace Cameron, David AR White, etc.)
    The reason? They present a false distorted version of biblical Christianity, many if not most of the actors are not even Christians, as well as the fact that the laughable acting/scripts provides nothing more than ammunition for Christians to be mocked.

  3. I'm sorry that I watched the Marvel movies, Infinity War and End Game. If I had known that they would mimic and mock end time events of the Bible, I wouldn't have watched.

  4. I won't be watching "The challenge". I seen my father watching and watched the rest with him. They ate bugs and drank animal blood and there was so many satanic things throughout it. They did all of that for money… sad. 😢

  5. Wow this is just sad 😂 its one thing to not like certain media for various reasons, but to be so indoctrinated in this belief that you see enjoyable shows as wicked and evil is laughable. I truly hope you dont actually believe witchcraft is a real thing or homosexuality is evil, because this is giving off alot of Girl Defined vibes which is cringe lol. I mean to be repulsed by the innocence of something like Harry Potter is really sad and I feel sorry for you.

    Fyi, the Lucifer show is based off the DC Comics character, not the biblical version or perhaps the evil incarnate figure you claim he is. He is portrayed as one of God's beloved children who is lost and broken. But throughout the show he finds meaning and happiness and his life. He is not an evil person, he is the punisher of those who do evil, and he doesn't want to do it anymore. The final season shows God returning and them reconciling with Lucifer finally finding peace within himself. It's a beautiful show with a beautiful story and I feel sorry that you can never truly appreciate it.

    In my research, if Christianity was actually true and God and Lucifer were real, Lucifer is the must better example to follow, breaking away from tyranny and the wickedness of God. An evil and malicious deity who has killed billions. But hey, you do you I guess. 🤷 I just hope you wont force your children into these beliefs as well and let them enjoy things they want in their own lives. But I doubt you will.

  6. the way I see thing is magic a back ground to tell a good story or is it promoting wichery… I see harry pottery as a story of friends, its not perfect but its about love overcoming evil. I see the magic as a character just like the force in starwars and yes star wars is about magic they just call it a different name. What I look at is are there good people doing good things, is there love, or friendship. aslong as they don't praise the devil like AHS and Sabrina… that was too far gone.

  7. Lucifer is one that I got really into, was binge watching, and thought "it's just a show" even though deep down knew its wrong, my friend actually recommended it to me and when he said the name Lucifer I was like NOOOO and he told me no it's about a devil that wants to be an angel (smh) but then after watching it I noticed how much it brought me away from God. You literally just mentioned Lucifer right after I started typing this comment!!!! omg lol I didn't know if you were going to mention that one, but you're right the show is glorifying the devil to make you love his charm and make him look like the good guy like you said. I always felt bad and guilty like I shouldn't be watching it. It ended up making me have a crush on Lucifer after having a dream I was kissing him! it's so messed up how that show got into my head. wow. that was the biggest one for me. and I could never watch American horror story I always hated it. I only wanna watch things that make me feel good, nothing disturbing or depressing.

  8. Let me tell you a story that happened to me when I was in my thirties, when the Excorist came out in theatres , I am from Canada and I wasnt yet a born again christian but I am now, I talked myself into going to see that movie, alone, telling myself a bunch of lies and how it was "just' a movie! Well when the movie ended and I was walking home, I actually could feel a demon ( didnt know that it was a demon then but do now) following me home, I also will be watching a show( an innocent type show) that you dont think anything occult or against God would appear in the show, then all of a sudden there it is, right in your face and you dont have a moment to shut it off, I have seen cartoons with a pentagram painted on the corner of the page on film, so we have to be very wise in all of this stuff, and thank you for bringing this to the attention of all people, even if your not saved, it can wreck havoc on your life!

  9. Good Video, I recently have and still am in the process of purging my TV Shows list that I watched and it was hard but it was truly worth it.
    When you don't expose yourself to the world and messages you pick up without even realising, it makes your Christian walk so much easier 👍

  10. I think some times it depends on what your intention is in watching these things. There are things that are just flat out demonic and I agree that it’s not helpful to watch them.

    I watch Shameless though and for me I watch it because it is authentic and real and doesn’t sugarcoat anything. Watching that show I felt like someone had met my family and written a show about us. It addresses so many key issues like poverty, drug addiction, alcoholism, family dysfunction, the foster care system, sexual abuse, mental health issues, gentrification, teen parenthood etc. These are all things that I have had to deal with growing up and I now work with people who are recovering from drug and alcohol addictions who have had the same. I’ve encountered so many Christians who just choose to avoid seeing or hearing about anything that might confront them or make them feel a bit uncomfortable. A lot of Christians just aren’t even aware that people like the characters in Shameless even exist. So I think God can actually use a show like that to bring awareness and to motivate Christians to reach out to people who are going through these things.

  11. Repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that has died for sins and rose from the tomb on the third day and let the Holy Spirit within you, and you shall be saved.

  12. There’s no good shows on Netflix a lot I deleted my account on Netflix I watched AHS before I came to Christ and I could never watch it alone it gave me this dark dark feeling and it made my room gloomy I would stay away from that and they got evil spirit in the shows even one actress said she was being attacked by a demon

  13. Some of the holiest people I know watch some things on this list. Anyone hating, she's not telling you you're a lesser Christian because of what SHE won't watch.

  14. Harry Potter actually has some Christian allegory in it (similar to Chronicles of Narnia). J.K Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series has confessed to be a Christian for years and has confirmed herself that whole idea of good conquering evil in the series was based of her Christian beliefs. Just offering some food for thought.


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