Mother fights to save dead daughter's belongings after squatters invade home

Instead of mourning her daughter’s unexpected death, Gerry Clark is fighting to save what little she can after squatters moved in to …


  1. I have found that liars are believed more than a person who is telling the truth. How did that man have access to her house? How did they know she died? How did she die?

  2. Why is it so hard for them to decide whether to let squatters take over property that is not theirs or to get them out of the house ASAP? Isn't that stealing, home invasion and violating people's rights?

  3. Not trying to take attention away from this story but I have another one that's not equal to but is news worth when it comes to wasting tax payers money. So first off you have to be in the correct frame of mind, which is, Wendy (or as Eric Ross says, the dead woman) was my common law wife and the property in question was where we both resided. So this entire story is a lie and that's why it doesn't make sense. If I moved in that home after Wendy's death and stole her car the cops would obviously have arrested me… Then, not being able to arrest me for that, some other charges were trumped up which not only did I not do but I was actually helping the alleged victim. So I'm sitting in jail trying to learn the law to understand how the he'll all this could be happening to me. I requested to use the jails law library and I requested some envelopes so I could write some attorneys asking for help. The lady in charge of those request was Janet King. She refused both my request so I filed several grievances trying to obtain the two items I needed. Evidently she is related to some man of power so no one would go over her head to give me an envelope. Allow me also to remind you using the library would obviously be free, but an envelope would cost approximately less than a dollar. Once my grievances were denied my only option then was to file a complaint to the district court to ask them to make her give me the envelope. Typically to defend a civil action an attorney would charge $10k-$50k. This burden is born to the El Paso County Attorneys Office. I assumed they would see the issue and instantly give me an envelope then case closed we all go home for under $5k. But boy was I wrong… Turns out there was over one hundred filings and then the case after a year ended up in the court of appeals. I'm not sure the cost to draft briefs in the Colorado court of appeals but I'd estimate around $50k. The county attorneys office has managed to rack up at least $75k in tax payers money and after its all said and done guess what happens if they actually do win? Yep, I'm not going to get an envelope. But the case is far from over and they could very well end up blowing another $75k going to federal court after the state level is cashed. Now I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but if I had the power to determine the proper allocation of tax payer funds how many would have opted to surrender the envelope, shit I might even throw in a stamp for good measure. Now that's a story.

  4. These squatter cases are very simple cases of Home invasion and illegal occupancy and should be dealt with as such!!! permanently remove them from society — politicians who show incompetency should be shown the door immediately regardless of whether Republican or Democrat or whatever party they belong to. THESE CASES NEED TO BE TRIED AS CRIMINAL AND NOT CIVIL!!!!

  5. The ultimate fault lies within the Home/Property owners for not properly and immediately securing their property. Whether you're going on a short 3 day vacation or a death in the family, have a friend in the area, or neightbour, or hire someone to live and or check up on your property.

  6. They should investigate the cops and somebody should be fired for this load on incompetence. Maybe this people should move into some police officers homes and we'll see how fast they evict them/ Once this double standard comes to light the cops will have a MUCH more difficult time explaining their actions or lack thereof.

  7. so the city AND the county refused to do anything? Minneapolis PD is notorious for not doing their jobs, but we go up to the County Sheriff if that's the case. IDK if they know if CO follows that protocol

  8. That poor women, she lost her daughter, & if that's not bad enough, everything the daughter owned in Life is gone as well… CAR THEFT IS NOT a CIVIL OFFENSE!! IT'S CRIMINAL!!! POLICE REFUSED TO TAKE A POLICE REPORT ON A STOLEN CAR?? What about all the possessions that were STOLEN from the home? HOME INVASION IS A CRIME…

  9. Corrupt police is one of the major problems in this country. Paid to look the other way. This is Life in America—a direct result of the apathy in this country after having a criminal president STILL defying the rule of law. People are starting to need to act on their own—adopting vigilantism in order to protect themselves and their communities.


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