Welcome to DAY SEVEN of the revolutionary Morris Cerullo β€œPROOF PRODUCERS: What Must We Do That We Might Work The …


  1. I don't know if these ministers are reading the comments, but this isn't what's happening NOW in the world! People NEED churches, with Pastors who can TEACH GOD'S WORD, rightly dividing it, help people KNOW the Gospel, really simple, get baptized first in water, then in the Holy Spirit, and be TAUGHT HOW TO BE DISCIPLES FIRST, which has to happen first, then as they grow in understanding, God Himself divides the gifts of the Holy Spirit between all in the Body of Christ, and maybe it's good to reach out and evangelize without charging too much, whatever it has to be, and not for GAIN, but for godliness, because the Rapture is Coming Soon, and God wants people to be saved, sanctified, and then filled with the Holy Spirit, totally sold out to the Lord, because judgement starts at the House of God, so it's more important to be ready! Right now, the Body of Christ is divided, it's compromised, and God's power won't flow unless the believers in Jesus Christ of Nazareth are united by One faith, One Lord, and One Baptism!!


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