this is funny….untill you realise that there are millions and millions of charismatics and pentecostals who believe that morris curello is a true man of God and believe everything he says AND send him and others like rick joyner, kenneth copeland, jim bakker, pat robertson, paula white and others millions upon millions of $ while the poor are not fed and the gospel is not preached as these false prophets go buy another $2 million house & new fleet of mercedes.
Tragic. It is a reflection of our apostasy in the current age to know that these quacks like so have been doing these shenanigans since the 1970s and that true teachers like John MacArthur and so on have called them out, yet they continue to have followings and donors. Absolutely tragic really.
Pastor Chris please have a full expose of this charlatan on his seed money thing. I was really drawn to his ministry before i became reformed. I gave lots of money to his ministry. What a shame!!
who let the witch out lol
Creepy. Very! ?
Thanks for the divine impartation, Morris. I always wanted force lightning!
He wishes his nonsensical ramblings actually produced awesome lightning powers ?
“Guided by the Holy Spirit”……. yep, I’m convinced
this is funny….untill you realise that there are millions and millions of charismatics and pentecostals who believe that morris curello is a true man of God and believe everything he says AND send him and others like rick joyner, kenneth copeland, jim bakker, pat robertson, paula white and others millions upon millions of $ while the poor are not fed and the gospel is not preached as these false prophets go buy another $2 million house & new fleet of mercedes.
I read that parts of his jet plane was gold plated that figures !
He meant an unholy spirit. Just misspoke is all.
Tragic. It is a reflection of our apostasy in the current age to know that these quacks like so have been doing these shenanigans since the 1970s and that true teachers like John MacArthur and so on have called them out, yet they continue to have followings and donors. Absolutely tragic really.
I receive this impart at ion in jesus name..glory!
Ole' Morris, is he still around? I thought he'd be gone by now. I'm talking about his age, he must be pretty old by now.
God is speaking to you, Morris Cerullo… Repent or you will parish! Repent and believe… Mark 1:15, Luke 13:1-5, Acts 19:4
Pastor Chris please have a full expose of this charlatan on his seed money thing. I was really drawn to his ministry before i became reformed. I gave lots of money to his ministry. What a shame!!
100th like. ??
This snake's still around? I have not heard that name since leaving the charismatic renewal in the 1970s. Yike$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
That actually frightened me!!!