Morris Cerullo biography, life,  legacy. Rip God's General.

Life #legacy #anointing #blessings. #passion.


  1. What a mighty and faithful man of God. He saw the fruit of the Legacy Centre. The videos posted daily from the Centre is always timely, showing how God`s word is timeless. Thank you Heavenly Father for sharing your specially chosen son with us. Papa you have ran the race and completed the course. You have left us fully equipped. Mama, Teresa and David, thank you for the sacrifices made to enlighten a Caribbean person about THE God of plan, purpose, design and objectivity. Love you all.

  2. ¿ Han puesto que su fortuna
    Es de 100 MILLONES de dólares?
    ¿ Qué su casa es de 10 millones de dólares?
    Pues eso concuerda con
    Los ricos y el ojo de una aguja

    El hombre no obtuvo eso
    Dignamente sino debió
    Engañar y robar a los incautos.


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