Moondance Alexander

Moondance, a misfit at her school, anticipates another lonely summer. She unexpectedly finds an escaped horse named …


  1. cool movie..I love horses/ponies ridden both and got paid for it alot…and you develop a relationship with each one….Yet, for me..and from the comments….the one crush that pays off to me, is in His friendship and forgiveness with amazing Him..and why live in the past when we have the gift of the present the best ribbon/trophy ever, ..thanks

  2. I ride horses pretty often now that I’ve gotten back into it, but a few years ago right before my grandma died she gifted me this movie and I use it as my memory of her❤️

  3. Moondance was a nice, kind girl, didn't come from a wealthy family so was made to feel bad by the uppity girls at school, but during the summer that all changed when she discovered a local neighbor's horse she named Checkers. This is my second time watching this touching story. I hope you enjoy it also.

  4. the way the movie starts out is sickening. I recall in high school that the pretty well dressed girls were popular because they were sweet kind intelligent slim hardworking involved students with good manners. they were actually the nice students. all of them. and none chewed gum like a cow. it was a different class of students who stuck their gum under desks and behaved badly that were actually mean and cruel to other students.


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