Moment Pastor Kumuyi Prayed for the USA at Donald Trump’s Inauguration #donaldtrump #donaldtrumpinauguration #kumuyi …


  1. The Almighty Jesus Christ, by the invitation of the brother Williams for the prayers, is invariably and subtly saying that the Church in America will only be saved if they live by the doctrine of Holiness and Righteousness as explicitly taught by brother Williams. Without Holiness no man shall see Him.

  2. Our people are too gullible and so ignorant. They believe anything. Donald Trump doesn’t need kumuyi prayer to achieve his goal in White House. Kumuyi Press team arranged a church service in America and someone sent out the misinformation to vanguard in Nigeria to publish it as Donald Trump invited kumuyi to his inauguration ceremony prayer service. But if you look at the video you can see clearly that the flyer says it all. It was organized private church service without the concept of Donald Trump. It has nothing do with Trump. Today is inauguration and this video was shot yesterday afternoon and Trump is not there. And as you can see they are even asking for money and collecting money as business as usual. It’s a common sense but our people can fall for anything.

  3. Hallelujah Amen.
    Pastor William Folusho Kumuyi of Nigeria,Global Evangelist and General Overseer of the Deeper Life Christian and Bible Church,prays for the Church in the USA, pre- Inauguration of President Donald Trump as USA 47th President.


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