When savior appears to be missing The saints groan, The strong faint, The steadfast fall, WHERE IS THE SAVIOUR? *Find the …


  1. This world is a company of created by God to be managed by humanity who was include both righteous (light) and wicked (darkness). In this end-time generations of the world, the wicked constitute the group of the anti-christ, sinful-kingdom who are the darkness while the righteous belongs to the group of the kingdom of Christ who are as well known as the kingdom of the IGBALA-IKEHIN established by God to prepare God's people who are the remnants of the earth for RAPTURE. The will of God only shall prevail, as we all remain rapturable at RAPTURE in Christ alone.

  2. This world is a company of created by God to be managed by humanity who was include both righteous (light) and wicked (darkness). In this end-time generations of the world, the wicked constitute the group of the anti-christ, sinful-kingdom who are the darkness who also claimed to be biological family and as well partners with IGBALA-IKEHIN while the righteous belongs to the group of the kingdom of Christ who are as well known as the kingdom of the IGBALA-IKEHIN established by God to prepare God's people who are the remnants of the earth for RAPTURE. The will of God only shall prevail, as we all remain rapturable at RAPTURE in Christ alone.


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