This movie is an eye opener. Watch it to find out who missed what. Please drop your THOUGHTS & TESTIMONIES in the …


  1. Thank God for this timely message. God bless EVOM for being a great vessel through which this message is being pass across.
    Assumption has really gained grounds in our Christian gatherings of today. The era of spiritual checks is gradually becoming a thing of the past.
    Pray God to gracefully help us.

  2. Thank you for the inspiring message. However, I think the ending is incomplete. I was expecting bro Dayo to confess the hidden sins in his life. It appears from the story line that he was living a Godly life and honestly desired to serve God and was being a witness to those around him. It appears that he genuinely believed in Jesus but, because he grew up in the church, could not consciously remember when he gave his life to Jesus. This is very possible and does not mean a person is not saved. Jesus said "by their fruits you shall know them". The criteria for being saved is to believe in Jesus as your saviour and to turn from sin to follow him. This can happen without answering an alter call.

  3. God really loved that brother to show him his spiritual state in order to make amends….

    Open my eyes oh Lord, illumine me to see the true picture of myself… No wonder the Psalmist says – Psalm 25:4-5 KJV
    Shew me thy ways, O Lord ; teach me thy paths. [5] Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.

    God bless EVOM richly for this.

  4. Thank God for his play. It's for checking ourselves in faith. Faith has been polluted this day. Where is the identity of Christ or resemblance of Christ this day, am sorry. God help us. It seems many are not ready to renounce the world and they are still in the world. It's individual option. God help us and myself. Shalom. It's a blessing and good lesson. More annointing. Please don't compromise your faith. Remain blessed.


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