The Lord performed an extraordinary miracle during the Gospel Campaign in Sapele. Usually, these testimonies occur during the meetings on the field or platform. But this one took place on the sidelines where few noticed.

As Daniel Kolenda and some of the team were getting into the car after the meeting, a woman stopped him. She wanted him to pray for her three-year-old son, who lay dead in her arms. Daniel took the child, held his body for a moment, prayed a simple prayer of faith and then left.

The following night the woman returned to tell the rest of the story. As Daniel drove away, the boy came back to life! He is now perfectly well. When the crowd of 200,000 heard this, they broke into wild cheering, and the whole city of Sapele was rejoicing.

Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:09:08. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. What is even greater than miracles of resuscitation and healing is when souls get saved,Together Reinhard and Daniel brought about 100 million to the Lord.

  2. God has done many miracles in everyones lives. Even the little things. Not many people notice these miracles. Praise the name of the Lord, the Lord almighty. For he is beautiful, powerful and glorious! The kingdom of God shall reign forever and ever! Ohh praise his name, For he is coming soon!

    • Alléluia !!! Jésus-Christ est Seigneur !!! Je veux être un serviteur de mon Seigneur et Sauveur Jésus-Christ, je veux travailler avec vous en partant faire les évangélisation partout dans le monde entier pour dire que Jésus-Christ est vraiment le fils de Dieu !

  3. Praise God for this miracle. He is a God of Able. He can do anything 😊 He is a God I serve~Jesus is His name, The King of Kings, The Lord of Lord.


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