Placita Outa severely damaged her spinal cord in an accident. Doctors performed many surgeries to repair it, but the final surgery left her paralyzed. She had to rely on crutches and the help of others to move around.

Then she attended the CfaN Gospel Campaign in her city of Karu. More than 1.3 million people attended over five days of meetings. Multitudes were saved, delivered, healed and filled with the Holy Spirit. During prayer for the sick at the end of Thursday’s service, Jesus completely healed Placita, too!

Daniel Kolenda remembers: “While still praying for the sick, I suddenly heard a great commotion coming from the right side of the field. A large group of people began to shout for joy. When I looked, I saw crutches held over someone’s head and moving toward the platform very quickly.

“Normally when people come forward to testify of their healings, staff members test them to make sure their claims are genuine before coming up to speak. But when I saw this woman’s face, I knew that Jesus had done something wonderful. So I called her up to the platform immediately.”

Thomas Gana also attended that meeting and witnessed this story firsthand. He commented on Daniel’s blog later that night: “I was standing very close to the lady with the spinal cord injury who got healed tonight. For most of the meeting, she sat down on a chair, standing up for short intervals with the aid of her crutches.”

“I often turned back to look at her; I believed God for her healing, too. As Evangelist Kolenda prayed, she stood up. As the prayer went on, suddenly I felt somebody hit me and scream, ‘I can walk!’ She started running through the crowd, leaving her crutches behind. I was the one who picked them up and ran after her. I wanted to give them to her before climbing the stage to meet the man of God.”

Placita came on the platform with her sister, who was in total shock. Through the entire testimony, the two of them embraced, wept and worshiped God for the miracle. It was very moving. Not only did Placita receive her healing that night, but she also gave her heart to Jesus. Later she said: “I think it was just for me that they organized a Campaign in Karu.”

Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:09:48. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. All of you that believe that this is fake then my brothers and sisters you really need Jesus to witness the miracles
    Just repeat ‘Lord Jesus I come to you. I believe in my heart that you died and was raised from the dead. You are alive Jesus. Forgive me of all my sins. I forgive all those who offended me. Come into my life. I accept you as my personal Lord and saviour. Amen’ Do that prayer and open your heart and receive all that the Lord has for you. You will never be the same again. May the good God bless you.

  2. Je remercie de tout coeur mon Seigneur et Sauveur JESUS-CHRIST pour tous les miracles qu’il opère dans nos vies, il inonde nos coeurs de joie inexplicable ! Merci JESUS-CHRIST !!! JESUS-CHRIST est vraiment Seigneur !!! Que son nom soit loué à jamais ….

    • Abdul Rahman, may our Lord Jesus Christ give you Grace to see the manifestation of Him moving in our mist through signs, wonders and miracles.

    • Then why do you watch?
      If you see that as an act, then my brother I am in the obligation of telling you that these are the best two actresses that the world EVER had..
      By their reactions you could see that this is so true.
      May God bless you brother..
      In Jesus name..
      To God be the glory.

  3. I’m not saying it isn’t true, but it would just be more believable if it wasn’t so theatrical – and if the Pastor didn’t talk like a game show host. Again, I’m not saying it isn’t true. Glory to God in Jesus name! It’s also really cool to see that many people gathering for Jesus, it almost looks like a rock concert at first.

    • @Hashley Dalloo I was also saying the same thing you just said now, that the guys are not faking it, as I know how people can fake a thing and these guys are not faking it

    • @Wisdom Lawson I am a Mauritian. I know someone from Nigeria. Africans have a different ways of living the gospel. Just watch the way they dance when the gospel is on. You can see that passion for christ on them. Sorry to be telling you that but you are so wrong. May the Lord bless you.

    • That’s how Nigerians express themselves. It’s not fake at all, I’m a Nigerian and if a Nigerian fakes anything, I catch on very quickly.


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