MESSAGE TO THE BRIDE | Prophet William Marrion Branham #williammarrionbranham #message #bride #gospel.


  1. O’ Children of the Most High, listen to your God. May those with ears hear! May those with eyes see! We are living like those in the days of Noah were. These days are short and it is time to make a decision. Change the way you think and act! Stop worshiping false idols and turn to the true living God before it is too late. Ask Him into your heart. Turn yourself to Him before the door to the ark is sealed by His hand as it was in those days long ago. Ask Him and He will answer you. “I have written my laws upon your heart” said the Most High unto His servant. In the mighty name of Yeshua, I pray that those seeking may find Him. Amen.

  2. There are a couple men on YouTube putting brother Branham down saying he was punished for going astray. I'm here to tell you brother Branham NEVER did anything against the word of God. Don't give an ear to the devil. Don't listen to those evil men. Block them and use any other platform except those men to tell the truth. Aman


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