I’ve heard stories from Christians miraculously set free from anxiety and depression…but I think we need to hear more stories of …


  1. i just found this video today, i have the same issue now, i constantly worry about death of love one, financial bankrupt and so many things. im always anxious and i feel like i have to always prepare or plan, or do this and that, and after that im always tire.. i have memory verses for anxiety , worry and pain but i dont know it feels like its not enough. some days i feel good somedays its back to zero, its tiring but i feel like if dont worry something bad will happen out of my complacency, i feel like i should always be ready, i knows its not good to hear but i feel like i always expect the worse to come.. i hope i can find a christian counselor that is affordable, its very challenging now that im the only one working for my family.. but i know God is still in control no matter what, so im believing that soon, ill be free from this constant cycle of anxiety. thanks for sharing your story.. ive learned a lot , im so grateful for this 🙂

  2. Thank you so much for making this video! I am a counsellor presenting on Anxiety next week and would love to share it so that others can be encouraged. What you express is so accurate, how God uses our brokenness to bring so many more things than just our healing! He uses us to bring His healing to others! Bless you!

  3. You may not know me, but I know everything about you – Psalm 139:1
    I know when you sit down and when you rise up – Psalm 139:2
    I am familiar with all your ways – Psalm 139:3
    Even the very hairs on your head are numbered – Matthew 10:30
    For you were made in MY IMAGE – Genesis 1:27
    In me you live and move and have your being – Acts 17:26-28
    I knew you even before you were concieved – Jeremiah 1:5
    I chose you when I planned creation – Ephesians 1:11-12
    You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my Book – Psalm 139:15-16
    I determinate the exact time of your birth and where you would live – Acts 17:26
    You are fearfully and wonderfully made – Psalm 139:14
    I knit you together in your mother’s womb – Psalm 139:13
    And brough you forth on the day you were born – Psalm 71:6
    I have been misrepresented by those who don’t know me – John 8:41-44
    I am not distant and angry but I am the complete expression of Love – 1John 4:16
    And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. Simply, because you are my child and I am your Father – 1John 3:1
    I offer you more than your earthly father ever could – Matthew 7:11
    For I AM THE PERFECT FATHER – Matthew 5:48
    Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand – James 1:17
    For I am your provider and I meet all your needs – Matthew 6:31-33
    My plan for your future has always been filled with hope – Jeremiah 29:11
    My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore – Psalm 139:17-18
    And I rejoice over you with singing – Zephaniah 3:17
    I will never stop doing good to you – Jeremiah 32:40
    For you are my treasure possession – Exodus 19:5
    I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul – Jeremiah 32:41
    And I want to show you great and marvelous things – Jeremiah 33:3
    If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me – Deuteronomy 4:29
    Deligh in me and I will give you the desires of your heart – Psalm 37:4
    For it is I who gave you those desires – Philippians 2:13
    I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine – Ephesians 3:20-21
    For I am your greatest encourager – 2Thessalonians 2:16-17
    I am also Father who comforts you in all your troubles – 2Corinthians 1:3-4
    When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you – Psalm 34:18
    As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart – Isaiah 40:11
    One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes and I will take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth – Revelation 21:3-4
    I am your Father and I love you even as I love my Son, Jesus Christ – John 17:23
    For in Jesus my Love for you is revealed – John 17:26
    He is the exact representation of my being – Hebrews 1:3
    He came to demonstate that I am for you, not against you – Romans 8:31
    And to tell you that I am not counting your sins. Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled – 2Corinthians 5:18-19
    His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you – 1John 4:10
    I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love – Romans 8:31-32
    If you receive the gift of my Son Jesus Christ, you receive ME – 1John 2:23
    And nothing will ever separate you from my Love again – Romans 8:38-39
    Come Home and I will throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen – Luke 15:7
    I have always been Father and will always be Father – Ephesians 3:14-15

    Shalom and God bless you ❤️

  4. Thank you for being open about this. I was never Comfortable to talk about it as there was the stigma that I was not praying enough or. On the right spiritual path with God. But I am realizing. Slowly that. Through my own depression and anxiety. God is showing me how he is in control.

  5. Praise God for stories like yours. I couldn't agree more. Miraculous healings happen, but God does not promise a life free from struggle (quite the opposite). We all have struggles and sometimes that means mental illness. Loved your video!

  6. THE MOVIE IN YOU MIND 😳 Oh my goodness, I have those for almost all situations whether it be about death, about past incidents, daydreaming, redoing stuff….theres a lot of movies in my head 🙁

  7. I hope this blesses some… 🙏
    I was 5 years of chronic illness! I was Semi Housebound, lost my health, job, finances and my fiance left me. I couldn't even look at electronic screen for 5 minutes, or hold a 10-minute conversation.
    But God did an amazing work. 

    I now have a Christian Channel where I encourage people and show them what God did in my life and that there is hope for you also. ✝️🔥😊

    Keep believing even when it's hard 🙏❤️🔥
    All things are possible with God

  8. I did had an heavy depression. Identity in Christ really helped me to get rid of it. Now im symptom free.
    What is reality, is it what the media tells you, the opinion of others. Or is it what God is saying about you.
    God gave you your worth. You are loved, you are special, you are good. The reality of the world isn't real. maybe you are poor or have not many friends. or don't have a job. but don't let that stuff make your identity.

    Identity in christ:
    1 Corinthians 6:11 (proverbs 23:7): you are pure,clean
    Colossians 3:12 (1 Corinthians 1:2) (romans 1:7) you are holy
    1 Corinthians 1:30 (romans 10:5 | romans 3:9-10) you are righteous, without sin
    (romans 3:21 | romans 10:4 | 2 Corinthians 5:21 | Galatians 5:4)
    Colossians 2:10 |Hebrew 10:14 | Colossians 1:28 you are perfect (having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.)
    Galatians 3:26-28 everyone has equal worth (human)

    romans 5:17 | job 36:7 you are a king, because Jesus Christ is.
    you are more than a conqueror!!!

    This cured my depression. Reading my bible and believe this with my whole heart. You can heal from depression too.
    please share this with others who struggle with depression. My depression lifted after eight years, I almost didn't believe it. but the Word is powerfull. God bless you!

  9. Where in the bible do you find an example of slow healing? slow fulfilling of promises, yes… but not healing. – Matthew 17:21

  10. Thank you Tiffany for speaking up on touchy subjects…the Church usually doesn't come out in the open speaking about these …But,I feel it's the need of the hour ! If you can,do talk about suicide too …might help someone❤️

  11. Please pray for my best friend Edith going through major depression.She was really close to killing herself today and I never felt so hopeless .We been praying for her including herself and she served the church and nothing has change . She feels like God doesn’t care about her and she isolates herself with him, its just been hard everyday she struggles and I just feel really sad that has to go through this I just want her to be completely healed from her depression.

  12. What if someone has battled it on and off for years and now don't want to work at anything anymore and fearful of the future and loss. I have been off work since June and financially its stressful but a huge part of me wants to retire but I can't afford to. Plus I worked so hard over the years and now my childhood fears about losing family members as I age and no financial security. I don't know what to live for anymore.

  13. This is to upbeat. Not for a person who is in the deepest darkest depression. I cannot relate.Is there no place I can hear someone talk about depression when they are depressed and not happily after. Thin makes me even more depressed. I know you mean good but i need something else than a healty looking beautyfull young woman.

  14. 2021 was the hardest, darkest time of my life. I was physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually BROKEN. But now I feel genuinely GRATEFUL and BLESSED that I had to go through that phase because GOD has graciously REVEALED Himself to me in miraculous ways. I am fortunate that He allowed me to know Him at a very young age, but this year is so much SPECIAL because of what WE (yes, GOD and me) have been through last year. He showed me how POWERFUL prayers truly are when I started to focus on WHO HE IS rather than who I am, on WHAT HE CAN DO rather than what I deserve. The experience was MAGICAL. He showed up BIG TIME and assured me that HE is indeed a LISTENING and RESPONDING GOD. Oh how my faith has skyrocketed as a result! Now more than ever, I have very bright HOPE for my future because I experienced first hand how RELIABLE God is. And for that I will forever be grateful. GLORY BE TO GOD, MY EVER FAITHFUL FATHER. ♥️♥️♥️

  15. I’m Pentecostal and have multiple conditions. I don’t blame Christ. Sure I worry but Exodus 4:11 and John 9 should comfort me 😊! He’s our redeemer, healer, etc. He has a purpose in all things. Since he’s in control therefore, I really shouldn’t be worried and place my faith and trust in Him, my redeemer, the One who paid the fine for you and me.

  16. God healed me from anxiety, and the deceptive feelings of condemnation which caused obsessive compulsive behaviors. If he can do it for me, he can do it for you. Don't give up. Keep going. Keep praying. (If you comment/ reply, I can pray for you too ❤) Only believe. All things are possible to those who believe.

    "Luke 1:37 "For nothing will be impossible with God.”

    God loves you and he cares deeply about you. He sent his son to save you. Will he stop at that? Will he not also graciously give you all else that you need? Can he not save from anxiety, from fear? (Romans 8:32) He is the God who created the heavens and the earth. He has full control of the wind and the sea. Is he not also able to save you? Have faith in God. Trust him and his perfect timing.

  17. thank you so much for this video. as im sitting here crying struggling with these issues myself, its nice to hear from someone who appreciates the slow process because i have also heard too many stories of the quick overnight changes/healings and my process has been so slow that i feel very beaten down and discouraged and have just been feeling like im just too broken. i have really been struggling to get help because of a lot of different reason (my anxiety being one of them) but i really want to get help. and this video has helped some with my concerns

  18. Oh my goodness. I had that feeling just the other day when my husband went to work. Just a feeling of dread that that was the last time I would see him.

  19. TO ALL WHO ARE HURTING AND DESPERATE – PLEASE READ ALL* – this is for you. It is a matter of life & death. It has been said, “That the darkest hour is just before dawn”. When you have lost all hope, and all you see is darkness, remember, never let your life be defined by desperation and hopelessness, grasp this one moment in time, reach out to Jesus, He does His best work in dark places. Lay your broken heart at the foot of the cross and let the light of Christ shine within you. The very fact that you exist is God’s testimony of His love for you, you were created in His own image. A song by the group Mercy Me called flawless says, “no matter the bumps, no matter the bruises, no matter the scars, no matter the pain, still the truth is, THE CROSS HAS MADE YOU FLAWLESS. Let me introduce you to grace, God’s grace.

    Never give up, your finest day is yet to come, Receive Christ now, He is the caretaker of your soul. The Gospel message was created for you. The simplicity of the Gospel, – Here it is Romans 10:9 “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved”

    Christ Alone is your salvation. There is Nothing you can do to add to it. The Holy Spirit dwells within you.

    *He bled and died so you could live. The devil wants to destroy you, Jesus wants to rescue and restore you. Jesus is calling your name, please come home to me, I am your Father waiting with open arms to receive you. Read: (Isaiah 41:10), always remember that your Prayers’ Matter to God, He honors them. My prayer today for each one of you who reads these words, is that God would remove from you all feelings of despair and hopelessness’, and restore you into the loving arms of Christ Jesus, and surround each one of you with the sacred Blood of Christ Jesus as a living, healing, protective shield, from the evil one and all the powers of darkness.

    *Remember the devil is a defeated foe, and you are never alone, Christ is always, and I do mean always, by your side. During the storms of life that you will go through from time to time, remember God is right there with you, hold on to Him. Did you know that when you have a hard time praying the Holy Spirit intercedes on your behalf (Romans 8:26-27), take comfort in that as well. I send you my personal invitation to receive Christ now. AMEN. The true God of Christianity (Jesus) is the only one who became flesh, and suffered and died for you on the cross, He rose again 3 days later, conquering death, and providing a bridge to the Father, and He did this for you. There are only two choices that you have, Jesus Christ or Satan (and hell).

    *Someone once said. “I would not walk across the room to tell you about my religion of Christianity, but I will crawl on my hands and knees through broken glass to hell and back to tell you about the love of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ.”

    IT’S NOT A RELIGION, IT’S A RELATIONSHIP. He wants that relationship with you now.




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