What a privilege to be able to hear this very important information I must know and believe wholeheartedly! This is a powerful truth from the Bible I should not miss!
Thank you so much for reading these wonderful books! I've found anymore that I can't comprehend reading books anymore, so I rely on books to be read to me and I'm so thankful for them, thank you so much!!
Didn't realize I would sit through the entire book at once. This is a cool way of sharing the gospel. I love the scripture references. We need to hear the Word of God daily
Grace+Law=Law as the fruit of the law is sin and the wages of the law is death… 'The power of lovve a force from abovve cleaning my souulll. Ty our Dad ur love for us kills cont acts of sin and sustains us as u show us resurrectional life living on the inside of us while forgiveness once for all reminds us in bread and wine of redemption for us as we live in ur wisdom and power u exert in us as fruit in our Lord "JesusChrist"
The best thing that a god-fearing parent can do, is to teach their children their spiritual history. Yes, I am so happy that our grandparents of the Southern Baptist Churches, walked in their integrity here in America. Yes, we fall down seven times, but we get up,! ???We black leaders don't need anyone to teach us our Black History. Hallelujah ❤️ International Remote Learning Assignments: Quiet Time Theme: Ears To Hear Readers and Audio Services… Trust and Obey Community Trust of USA ??? ABBA FATHER'S, Human Relations Family Restoration Services 8/1/2023 Cheerful Givers Networks, home and abroad. Hallelujah Get your homes in order! See you soon, beloved! ?
Yes Lord, we confess, we were angry, left to raise our abandoned children, on our own, being enslaved by cruel leaders and kings, here in America and abroad. ??? Protect your precious gifts, our children given to us and our households! ? Noah ?
Lord, we did not inter marry or have children by these wicked pagan people. We don't have celebrations with seducing Spirits with alcohol and libations, sponsored by the kings of India, located in underserved neighborhoods of color. We will not join the family reunions with Christians who have taken bribes from state operating systems, putting the young and elderly at risk. We need honest bankers no longer using usery, restoring our strength, individually. We will not rob God.
FYI: Speaker McConnell! Hear the voice of my God, Jehovah-jireh, who stopped your prepared speech to America. The tongue of the speaker, tongue was shut down. Dear leader, take this message to heart, dear speaker. We fear God, and not the political mobs on the Hill. You and The Speaker of Our House, are warned, Today, to cease and disist, all criminal activities, at the taxpayers dollars. ?️
Lord, Fight for your beloved daughters here in Michigan. These people are cruel men who have left their first ladies of the churches, profaning the churches that our grandparents, established here from the South! These trans men are using the 501c3, status, to install fallen Bishop Eugene Robinson's same sex agendas, promoted by news outlets, along with Hollywood's financial providers and investors, determined to destroy the first marriage, between man and woman.These churches are no longer operating according to your will. Restore your true leadership, keeping our country free from enemies of our State. In Jesus name. Amen ???
Dear President Trump, we believe that Jehovah -Shammah, will forgive you and your followers. You only must confess your sins, accepting your gift of salvation. Our God will forgive you, if you would humble yourself and turn to him and he will heal your inner wounded child within you, just as he healed me. Hallelujah! ?❤️
This will make our country Great. Thank you so much for foiling the plans of the Supreme Court, with the demons on the Hill, determined to destroy our democracy.
3:01:30 — John 20:17 we hear Jesus say to Mary that He had NOT yet been to heaven so why does DLMoody teach what scripture does not, that Jesus and the thief went to heaven that day ?
See the chapter links embedded in the video description to navigate this audiobook.
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What a privilege to be able to hear this very important information I must know and believe wholeheartedly! This is a powerful truth from the Bible I should not miss!
Bible stories makes it easier to hear the word. ESPECIALLY for new believers ❤
Thank you for doing this wonderful book with a real narrator and not AI ! Much appreciated!
This Aneko Press project is too wonderful and useful for me to describe. May God bless everyone involved in this.
Thank you so much for reading these wonderful books! I've found anymore that I can't comprehend reading books anymore, so I rely on books to be read to me and I'm so thankful for them, thank you so much!!
Thank you for posting these Books Which are so knowledgeable, interesting and informative. God Bless You guys !
I cannot believe that someone has corrupted D.L. Moody's work with such a trash of a lying translation of God's word!
Hebrews 4:13
“ and no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give an account “
But the account has already been paid by Jesus sacrifice…
so it doesn’t make sense!!
Unless you will be giving an account to the real God
Jesus is just a messenger of God a man not a God so repent to the one true God
What a wonderful book! Thank you! Great reading as well ?
Wonderful to hear bout Jesus always amen
I enjoy your message i will like to hear more of your message❤
I was listening to you on you tub ❤
Didn't realize I would sit through the entire book at once. This is a cool way of sharing the gospel. I love the scripture references. We need to hear the Word of God daily
Grace+Law=Law as the fruit of the law is sin and the wages of the law is death… 'The power of lovve a force from abovve cleaning my souulll. Ty our Dad ur love for us kills cont acts of sin and sustains us as u show us resurrectional life living on the inside of us while forgiveness once for all reminds us in bread and wine of redemption for us as we live in ur wisdom and power u exert in us as fruit in our Lord "JesusChrist"
this is a works based message?? we are saved by the blood by Christ alone not by works
I surrender all! ?❤️???
The best thing that a god-fearing parent can do, is to teach their children their spiritual history. Yes, I am so happy that our grandparents of the Southern Baptist Churches, walked in their integrity here in America.
Yes, we fall down seven times, but we get up,! ???We black leaders don't need anyone to teach us our Black History. Hallelujah ❤️
International Remote Learning Assignments: Quiet Time
Theme: Ears To Hear
Readers and Audio Services…
Trust and Obey Community Trust of USA ???
ABBA FATHER'S, Human Relations
Family Restoration Services
8/1/2023 Cheerful Givers Networks, home and abroad. Hallelujah
Get your homes in order! See you soon, beloved! ?
Yes Lord, we confess, we were angry, left to raise our abandoned children, on our own, being enslaved by cruel leaders and kings, here in America and abroad. ??? Protect your precious gifts, our children given to us and our households! ? Noah ?
Lord, give us patriotic hearts! ???
Hallelujah! We are standing in Michigan! ???️
Lord, we did not inter marry or have children by these wicked pagan people. We don't have celebrations with seducing Spirits with alcohol and libations, sponsored by the kings of India, located in underserved neighborhoods of color.
We will not join the family reunions with Christians who have taken bribes from state operating systems, putting the young and elderly at risk. We need honest bankers no longer using usery, restoring our strength, individually. We will not rob God.
FYI: Speaker McConnell! Hear the voice of my God, Jehovah-jireh, who stopped your prepared speech to America. The tongue of the speaker, tongue was shut down. Dear leader, take this message to heart, dear speaker. We fear God, and not the political mobs on the Hill. You and The Speaker of Our House, are warned, Today, to cease and disist, all criminal activities, at the taxpayers dollars.
Lord, Fight for your beloved daughters here in Michigan. These people are cruel men who have left their first ladies of the churches, profaning the churches that our grandparents, established here from the South! These trans men are using the 501c3, status, to install fallen Bishop Eugene Robinson's same sex agendas, promoted by news outlets, along with Hollywood's financial providers and investors, determined to destroy the first marriage, between man and woman.These churches are no longer operating according to your will. Restore your true leadership, keeping our country free from enemies of our State. In Jesus name. Amen ???
Dear President Trump, we believe that Jehovah -Shammah, will forgive you and your followers. You only must confess your sins, accepting your gift of salvation. Our God will forgive you, if you would humble yourself and turn to him and he will heal your inner wounded child within you, just as he healed me. Hallelujah! ?❤️
This will make our country Great. Thank you so much for foiling the plans of the Supreme Court, with the demons on the Hill, determined to destroy our democracy.
3:01:30 — John 20:17 we hear Jesus say to Mary that He had NOT yet been to heaven so why does DLMoody teach what scripture does not, that Jesus and the thief went to heaven that day ?
It’s wonderful spiritual lesson. I heard all the chapter. Thank you for your hard work for God’s kingdom. May God bless, your family & Ministry.
Chapter 2 30:19
❤ so let it be written , so let it be done ❤
I loved this book, much appreciated
Could Melchizedek be GOD the Father?
Thank you for sharing