song: hardknock. – no tomorrow original video: FAIR USE COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The Copyright Laws of the United States …


  1. Me Mel Gibson.. bless U in finding the path…have U not changed his skin colour..or his Name some research mad Max… don't b afraid of prophet Muhammad Jesus has his burial next to Muhammad Inshallah 🙏

  2. Bubba, Bubba, Bubba – this is my nickname for Jesus WHOM I LOVE with all of my heart. There is NO ONE like CHRIST. He has brought me back from being dead multiple times, cured me of life-threatening addictions and healed my whole-body numerous times. I LIVE for HIM. To FEEL HIS ENERGY is beyond description. WHAT is not to love about this ALL-POWERFUL ONE? Plus, He has the most amazing SENSE of HUMOR!!!! USA

  3. “They” made sure I would click on this “clickbait” to make 666 likes. Petty schemes. In numerology it’s a positive number actually. I’ve met many so called Christians who know many scriptures, yet have partaken in much gossip, slander, & are simply full of hate. It doesn’t matter how many Bible verses you know if you aren’t walking like Jesus. If you achieve “Christ like consciousness”, you will be put on a watchlist😂😐. Be kind folks. God is love. You don’t even have to be Christian to be a decent human being. The Pharisees were not a friendly bunch.

  4. You can't prove the existence of God and the truth of Christ (the Anointed One) to an unbeliever, and you can't disprove the above to a believer. This is what many don't get: Christianity is not about proof, it's about faith. Our faith is our proof and without it no one will please God. The world can't see that, only the called and chosen can.

  5. For all who have sinned without the law will also perish without the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified.


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