MEAN GIRLS Perfectly Predicted our Culture… Seriously

Mean Girls is already 18 years old, yet it continues to retain influence in pop culture and broader society. But why exactly?


  1. If you meat a female you’re interested in, ask them if they have seen Mean Girls and who their favorite character is. If they say Regina, run. Don’t look back.

  2. Fighting 8.5% inflation (more like 35%) with a 1% Fed funds interest rate is like stopping a forest fire with a bucket of water. Folks prepare accordingly. Make investment in other not to depend on the government for funds..••.

  3. Imagine being this Butt hurt about constantly being wrong about everything you talk about by people who actually study science and politics for a living with actual degrees

    Being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian to everything doesn’t make you smart at all

    This is just victim blaming to the max

  4. We humans need to believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord. Otherwise, our own evilness and God’s judgment will be our undoing:

    “For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.”

  5. Wait, the president of the World Bank isn't simply "not afraid of global warming". He refused to say fossil fuels are linked to it, which is shocking! This is not "cancel culture", this is common sense.

  6. I wonder if they've ever covered "Heathers" on this channel. It's been a while since I've seen the article where Tina Fey pretty much admitted "Mean Girls" was at least very strongly influenced by "Heathers".

  7. I’m a straight grown MAN and Mean Girls is one of the best comedy movies in my book, right up there with Tropic Thunder, Airplane, and Napoleon Dynamite.

  8. This statement is very true, everyone is allowed to believe what they want to believe, though you have to be careful the moment you or anyone else spreads their beilf as fact. When that happens it's up to you to research the topic in question to come to your own conclusions and not blindly believe those around you without evidence of any kind.

  9. My aunt was the only one on my dad's side to graduate from college (with hopefully me being the second with the same degree). She works on the business side of one of the last few steel mill companies and she's done well for herself. When I spent a day at her office, she taught me a valuable lesson:

    "Mijo, high school doesn't end after graduation. All that nonsense clique stuff always follows into real life. You just have to learn to be above it."


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