Veronica is desperate to marry and does not care about what happens afterward! Is there any justifiable reason for anyone to get …


  1. That scene just reminded a customer of mine who asked me to marry him as 3rd wife and pleaded with me accept he buys me a brand new car in my names in his next travel. I didn’t even need to think twice to turn down the request but this man called me stupid and very petty for rejecting his offer. Said it will be hard for me to grow in this spirit 😂. Lol 😂 😂

  2. Good Nigerian movie, I keep on rewatching and sharing with my friends. This is exactly my story and even how my singleness ended in victory. At the end of waiting God gives victory .I am a witness. All the way from Kenya.

  3. Please I have a few questions and 😮would ask for kind and true responses. 1. Will God keep one person delayed because of another’s unwillingness to obey promptly? 2. Will God fixate the position of spouse to one person or he will give it anyone who is available and aligned to his will? 3. If one person never aligns or acts in obedience, will the other person remain unmarried for life in this context? 4. If Gbenga wasn’t moved by the Holy Spirit to urgently bring up the matter that day, would Eastwood have ever acted? Your responses are appreciated.

  4. Veronica is just a stubborn stonghead girl like me….. i cant count the number of times i have wanted to go on my own way because i was just tired, overwhelmed and angry with God but Mercy always says NO! i thank God foe how far He has help me to wait on him. it is my prayer that he will renew my strength and everyone that is in their waiting season too. Amen!

  5. I saw God's awesome love and divine arrangement play out here. God had arranged a man to shoot the Pastor many years ago. And God helps the Pastor to consistently pray for the man's salvation despite walking with crutches for years. Because the man will step in to convince a sister that the Pastor will find difficult to convince and is ready to go to into eternally destructive marriage. This same arrangement made Eastwood friend to be right there on time to enbolden his friend and to pray him out of gamophobia. God is the master planner. His ways are not our ways. Teach us your way Oh Lord. Let your mercy be available for us Oh Lord. Thank you for the Revelations and insights team PVO. More grace

  6. Sometimes the devil will bring temptations your way to stop you from your breakthroughs. God himself will test before he can entrust s blessing to you. Who knew that she was going to marry a doctor, she met fraudsters and cultists on the way

  7. Thank God for this inspiring message. Im 43yrs still waiting for God's will in marriage, please pray for me, i want to get married this year. I have had a lot of suitors but have not gotten God's approval to move on, sometimes I became tired of waiting and want to go my own way, i need God's intervention and help in my life, i want to settle down this year, it's have not been easy waiting all this years. I will be 44yrs by the month of October this year, please pray for me.


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