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  1. Civil Rights movement was corrupted after MLK was assassinated!
    Folks like Jesse Jackson and AL Sharpton point fingers and play the blame game! Black Lives Matter is a joke! The founders have already embezzled over 6 million dollars in contributions! Blacks ripping off other Blacks! Disgraceful!
    Call out the thieves and murderers in your community and purge them from yourselves!
    That's how you overcome!

  2. It was a "global" thing, generally North America was a family based society, like Europe. With strong workers organizations to protect them. What happened?
    First world war happened (big global theatre starts).
    All able and strong good men (who believed in the defence of their country, see Sargent York film) died like flys sent to die in human traps called trenches if you refused they executed you. (See paths of glory from Stanley Kubrick)
    Society starts dying without good men leading the workers organization and homes.
    Second world war (second global play).
    Women start working in force in the all the jobs now empty by men fighting in the front.
    Women become "independent". Conclusion: There is no more family.
    The End.

  3. He ain't lying, tho. And I'll add too: matching is to find white people to save us and at the same time to be accepted as equal by whites … which they'll never do. Back in slavery we were at the bottom of the social economic ladder and today again, and this since the 60s in an economic context.

    To free ourselves, we have to free our mind; lots of stuff given to us since slavery is to dumb us down like that salvation concept as an example. No one will come save us. We gotta free ourselves by creating black wealth: black businesses, black investments, own stuff … where oh where are our black banks!?

  4. When u see a group of Americans and then point at races within that group that's the problem. We're all Americans and that's how we have to see each other aim to have better values be better people we can't function as a society if we don't work together. Anything that separates individuals in america regardless of what the aim is will always be negative it creates separation when their should be unity.

  5. Our nations problem is that we keep complaining about shit that’s already happened, but History is null and void if that’s all we’re doing with it. Learn from it and keep pushing for you and yours. Because nowadays, whites are the most disrespected in our society. You see a white man out here and automatically think he’s racist, not knowing he got a black wife, black kids, Native American grandparents, etc. Which yeah, our society flipped history on its head with that, but it’s out of hatred, not from wanting to be equal. Us Mexicans and natives have been prosecuted and oppressed long before the slaves from Africa were even brought here, but history don’t mean shit without progress and change within ourselves first. We can’t make out society change if we can’t do it for ourselves.

  6. NOPE. Where you guys fucked up is trusting the wrong side. The Democrats are the ones that owned slaves, designed and own the Confederate War Flag, fought in The Civil War to keep their slaves, started the KKK, etc. AND continue to play physiological warfare on you with lies to get you to vote for them and continue the racism for POWER & CONTROL over you.

  7. Considering white people control virtually every aspect of American society, and virtually every aspect of American society suffers from systemic racism, yeah, you're going to need white people's help to get rid of that systemic racism. Duh!


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