Malindi Cult Teaching William Branham's Martyr Theology

We are still analyzing the information coming in out of Kenya concerning Paul Mackenzie’s “Malinda Cult” mass suicide. Details …


  1. Reading the gospel of Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus warns us; BY THEIR FRUIT we would know, have knowledge of thier fruit. Therefore the fruit of WMB message dogma demonstrates how far… way far, away from the truth of scripture. I had similarities idea as these people. When you begin to think and question the fruit there's the open door…freedom in Christ alone! Now let's go kill some wolves.

  2. Em breve vai começar acontecer isto no brasil.pq aqui tá cheio de pessoas com mentes cauterizada por está seita maldita .pastores adultéros que manipula a mente das pessoas a ponto de dizer que se o livreto do branhan for falso a bíblia é falsa também .

  3. Pentecostals have for many years tossed people out of their churches and bible colleges if you didnt adhere to their strict unbiblical convictions in modern times you will see their hypocrisy in they really didnt beleive their unbiblical man made rules and regulations cause what they called sin is allowed now but their still are some that hold to the rule of control, very sad when religion turns hurtful harmful and even deadly.

  4. How perverted and vile you can be to lie in such a way to blame William Branham for what those people did ? According with your idiotic logic, the Lord Jesus Christ is the real guilty for their starving until death, because Jesus was an example by fasting 40 days and nights, and and Jesus Christ said in MATTHEW 16 : 25 "For whoever desire to save his life will lose it, but whoever LOSES his life for My sake will find it "

  5. You showed a quote where WMB said that, was it Christians, could find themselves with the mark of the beast. So according to him you can take the mark of the beast by accident? That is ridiculous!! And what I hate so much about this doomsday cult. WMB kept us off balance, always wondering. He made it where people were always afraid. Jesus didn't do that. He said Come to me and I will give you rest. You don't have rest if you don't even know if you donor don't have the mark of the beast.

  6. It's very interesting that the Branham followers who leave comments on here, not about the suffering and death and devastation that the people in Kenya are going through, no. Have any of them said a word of compassion for those people? Instead, they are scrambling, trying desperately to distance their so called prophet from this terrible situation. We can what their priority is and it isn't the people in Kenya.

  7. If u read the message on rapture by william branham ull realizes this man is a terrorist an he lured innocent people may be to blasphemy the message and if u refused u were killed THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT GOD IS WATCHING.😢😢😢 AM ABELIEVER OF THE MESSAGE BY PROPHET BRANHAM THROUGH HOLLY SPIRIT.AND I DONT EVRN KNOW THIS man .we know all OUR pastor.

  8. THIS is what these famous rich charismatic preachers do to get their fame. This pastor is now murdered for speaking out. 3 months ago he spoke out and a month ago they murdered him for it. But he knew it would be the consequence and was ready to die for speaking out. So on top of brainwashing the people with the teachings of Branham, , they use voodoo to gain their powers.this is part 1 of his confessions.

  9. Look for something else to do , am from Kenya nothing like is that here. All bookes you can get for free even you have some books you are reading their in the USA . If you are a Christian then report correct information but if you are not a Christian continue because that is how you get your daily bread 🥪

  10. John help us understand this mezmerising revelations from DeadcSea Scrolls Book of Enoch about Books of Wisdom, Teacher of Righteousness, The Final Prophet and Melchisedech /Messiah authored by 1st century early believers(the Essenes) about the generations living at the ending TIME of ages ( when Israel is gathered back 1947 onwards)
    Excerpt(long read not for the lazy) Which Branham new nothing about.The Authors of these are not
    in anybway connected with WMBs teaching.


    1Enoch 95:4     You shall not fear those who trouble you ;
                             for restoration shall be yours; a splendid light shall shine around  you, and the voice of tranquility shall be heard from Heaven.

    1Enoch 97:9     But in those days blessed shall they be, to whom the word of wisdom is delivered; who point out and pursue the path of the
     Most High (God); who walk in the way of righteousness, and who act not impiously with the impious.

    The ‘word of wisdom is delivered’ to the elect through special books as we shall see later.   Continuing on with the those who elect God we have:

    1Enoch l: 1       The word of the blessing of Enoch, how he blessed the elect and the righteous who were to exist in the time of trouble. (the end of the age trial period)

    1Enoch 1:2       From them (the angels in his vision) I (Enoch) heard all things, that will not take place in this generation, but in a distant generation,  which is to succeed on account of the elect.

    1Enoch            Another mystery also I point out. To the righteous and wise shall
    109:10  be given books of joy, of integrity, and of great wisdom…Who from  these (books) shall acquire the knowledge of every upright path.

    A particular group of people is being described here. So far, this group, referred to as the elect: 

    1  is blessed with book(s) of joy and great wisdom;
    2    that give them knowledge of the way of God which they practice
      and point out to others; (the choosing of God's Will)
    3   that know the true message of Jesus and are faithful to it, (the choosing  of God's Will)
    4           and have reached the enlightenment stage of brotherly love.
    5           live in the latter days, the time of tribulation, in a distant generation from Enoch.
    6           have but little worldly power, probably a small group.
    7           Are found among ‘gentile’ Christians

    The Book of Revelation contains a vision of the apostle John where John is instructed to write messages to the seven churches.
    The seven churches are the various types or groups of Christians living at the end of the age right before Messiah Melchizedek arrives. These messages contain a divine assessment of the pluses and minuses of each group or personality type existing at the end of the age upon us now….

    pls share what are "these books and who are these people foreseen by Enoch and wrote in the Dead Sea Scroll rolls that are such a sensation in Israel today???

  11. have you established that this Paul's co pastor was one of the wives?…that is not apractice observed with Branham teaching, Branhams children went schools, and the Main Church in Kenya has the sunday school run by public school teachers and other minister are teachers in mainstream national schools like Alliance boys….runs its meetings and convenitions in schools….this how baseless your click baits are …of course to the undiscerning.

  12. The devil will do their best to fight the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But it won't fall. Misuse of quotes does not change the plan of God through the Message of the Hour. It's time for the backslidden to remember the prediction of these events so that they'll rebelieve the Word. But the squeeze will do the work.

  13. You can do a better research.get it right from the media and know mackenzie was using the book of Maccabees which brother branham never referenced as he only advocated for the 66 books in king james version. 2ndly even the quotes by branham you are refering to are exactly opposite of your inferences.


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