John Macarthur, Paul Washer, Matt Chandler, Voddie Baucham, Mark Driscoll before he became a MAGA Pentocostal salesman.


  1. I just started rewatching, and something I was thinking towards the end of the discussion was that Travis was saying that reformed theology actively prevents anyone from trying to reason through knowing God based on his actions towards them in their experiences. That any form of trying to articulate their experiences is a form of idolatry. I don't feel comfortable with that, because someone's actions are exactly how we understand and know who someone is. Why should God get a pass on that?

  2. 36:00 Yes, Tim. And my current gripe with God, is that if all this is true, and God is more loving than a lot of us were raised to believe that he (sorry, He) is, then why does God continue to allow people like our brothers to believe that He is a vindictive monster that we must cower before to earn His love?

    (Sorry for all the comments! I missed this live. Really good/important stuff discussed here. It’s the source of A LOT of our traumas, bad theology that is.)


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