If you have been blessed and you feel led to sow, here are the accounts ZELLE: damilolabamiloye@gmail.com Account Name …


  1. Hmm this too video that I have watched already though am not married but it thought me a good lesson I will always have in my life thank you so much Mount zaion ministry and thank you so much mummy Gloria I love you.

  2. Repetition of what their wives have done, have led to the TOTAL destruction of many homes today

    Once a woman has asked for forgiveness for past sins, LET IT GO

    if not, when you eventually leave, you will see the whole pic and the life a total mess

    I know a true life story of the above, you need to see the man like br Edward mentioning what the wife did after countless beggings

    His life is nothing to write home about

  3. Thank you Jesus for the grace and privileged grant unto your servant to amend homes that the enema to deststoy, i pray God God grace will not live you, your home will not scatter in Jesus name God will uphold you and your families till the end, in the Lord's kingdom you shall all make in Jesus name. I pray my marriage too, he will not scatter, Satan and his agent will not have a place in my home in Jesus name. Daddy and mummy Bamiloye are great and amazing thank you ma God bless you and your children.


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