Luckiest Girl Alive | Official Trailer | Netflix

Based on the best-selling novel, Ani FaNelli (Mila Kunis), a sharp-tongued New Yorker appears to have it all: a sought-after …


  1. And he(The beast) opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. (Revelation 13:6)

    – It's the Last Time. The Lord is coming soon. Believe in Jesus Christ, Repent and be saved.

  2. This will definitely be on my list. Not a movie you’d usually see Mila Kunis in, and that’s what’s grabbed my attention, not just the plot. I’m really looking forward to seeing this.

  3. No way in hell Mila allows this movie to end with her character looking like anything but the victim/hero.
    It's the ole Jessica Chastain tactic and so many actresses these days are cowards for feeling they need to do the same.

  4. Drama drama….predictable waste of time/ but that is what people who watch need when they just want to FORGET and Not get ON with Empowering themselves thru …as Elon Musk would say Real Education!


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