The story of an unfaithful wife…a mirror of the ultimate love for unfaithful humanity! Written and Directed by Bola Akande.


  1. Thank you so much for releasing this film. I was totally enthrawled and didn't look away as I said out loud "no, don't do it", but then to see the incredible love of Daniel and how much like God hHe was was so incredible and reminded me of the incredible mercy God has for me and all His children, I was very impacted by your film. May the Lord Jesus extend the influence of what you're doing so many more people can see the goodness and kindness of God as displayed in your film. So authentic acting and such high production values, this film deserves an even wider audience. God bless you so much :).

  2. She has low self esteem, so when God blessed her, she had to ruin it because of the intense feelings of unworthiness. She figured he'd figure out she wasn't good enough (which was a lie from the evil one), and cheat or leave. She felt all she deserves is a low grade man.

  3. She was the worst actor ever, and I think he should left, whose baby is it any way, it could had been the other guy, she should had went to to tell him that she was carrying his baby since she spend more time with him than her husband.

  4. My heart went out to Daniel. Such a wonderful, God fearing man that every woman prays for . He definitely didn't deserve the hurt he experienced but God is still faithful and always there for His children. To God be the glory.

  5. Very good quality of production! That said, Desola's cheating was totally jarring and unrelatable. Perhaps it could have been more tolerable if we had been shown her motives for doing so and some concrete efforts made to resist at least. Adultery is not a sin to toy with – metaphors of grace notwithstanding.

  6. Thank you for portraying infidelity from this angle. Not every man is a philander. Even women fall in this mess and it is not a woman's sole job to stomach the excesses and sins of adultery. Men can forgive and embrace wayward wives too. In Christ, forgiveness is a genderless virtue. God bless men like Daniel. They are the real McCoy. 💕💕


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