Welcome to Love Sunday 2024, a special edition of our Sunday service here at The Brook Place! An extraordinary day filled with …


  1. What a message, very informative.
    1:35:05 If a man cannot lead, leave him alone…mmh
    1:38:30 I can also attest to that, when you can can pray for someone who hurt you, that's when you begin to heal.
    Your messages have changed my entire perspective on marriage sir, thank you so much.

  2. This is very inspiring.
    I'm in Ghana, so glad to come into contact with you two on social media. Ever Since, my married life and as a pastors wife has changed for the better.
    I pray things work out in the ministry in order to have you in our church one day.

  3. Have you heard about the trending book 'Nuggets For Salvation' by Joshua Daniel? It's awesome. Don't miss-out on the move of the holy Spirit in this end-time. Search for the book to buy your copy. Read it carefully and share it with your circle. God loves you more.

  4. Dear ladies, "when men find out that you will die without them. The moment you do that, they know that you are the lowest, they gonna run away from you. If a guy ever breaks up with you, dont beg. Because they have already left and emotionally detached themselves from you months ago. And knows the next person. However, they are waiting for the opportunity to replace you, chai!!! don't disgrace yourself hold it bubu!!!!!!!!!!" 😅 Hope you have heard Dear sisters i love yall ☺ And a huge shout out to Pastor sir and ma'am, i learn a lot from the both of them.

  5. I remember an ex of mine said that I don't really love him because I don't beg him. Imagine. Ladies don't date outside of God. They will never understand you. You will be mismatched


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