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  1. Thank you Lord for this revelation in a movie form❤❤learning more everyday and I know it’s a preparation for me to get it right when it’s my time to marry . God help me and my future husband

  2. At least the man and the woman came back to God some people ended up with who never came back to God for a renewal and they end up enduring and not enjoying. Please understand purpose before going into marriage oo some people are still suffering and cannot come out

  3. This victor guy is unregenerated and that why he is so vain in the attributes he looked for in his wife. I feel bad for her though, after waiting for for all those years. May we not miss it in Jesus name. This is a really timely movie.

  4. Great movie If the shoe was on the other foot I am certain the lady might have wanted to stay and stick around but this kind of things happen to both men and women cause the hearts of men we don't know but the bible says it is desperately wicked.

  5. I had fun watching this, so many lessons to learn. My key take home is to pray for friends and family when I have the promptings and not push it aside. God help us to understand the true meaning of love and always put him first before anything. Indeed #Love is deeper than mere lust.

    God bless Faith and the team for continuously shinning the light.

  6. I love dele he is so real with his role, oga Martins added weight. I realized there are things you go through in life that only the grace of God can see you through. The moment it is over like this you lose your fear for anything even death


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