Love Again (Full Movie) Drama, Romance, Family

A distant father (Kevin Sorbo) and losing his girlfriend to his best friend (Ben Davies) leads Nathan (Jason Burkey) on a journey of rediscovery. Sometimes finding love and happiness is as simple as opening up your heart.

Directed by Spencer Fritz
Starring Kevin Sorbo, Shelly Long, Ben Davies, Kelsey Sanders, Jason Burkey, Rachel Brooke Smith

Edited for YouTube ad standards

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  1. After enjoying myself, all i can think of is, that song in 36:23 sounds familiar o!🙄🙄

    Though, am just imagining what and for whom i should pack up my OWN precious life for such a long time?🤔 For what na?😎

    Good movie!

  2. Love and blessings to you. Never for a minute forget the love God has for you, His love for you is so vast, unmeasured, boundless and free, His suffering and death on the cross was for your sins that you can accept Him as Saviour and Lord of your life and that you might not just live for now and then die without a hope but that you can have the hope of eternal life as you turn from sin and live a holy life through Jesus Christ. His requirements for you is that you accept Him, love Him and keep ALL of His Ten Commandments in return so that you can be saved from hell and eternal death before it's too late, that you can live forever. (John 14 verse 15), (Revelation 22 verse 14), (Exodus 20 verse 1 to 17) Read from a King James Version Bible, because they have change words in many of the other Bibles.

  3. Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Now, we have to understand the Bible says in:

    Psalm 34:17 The righteous cry, the wicked don´t cry, and the Lord hears it, and delivers them out of all their troubles. Now the wicked don´t pray, come on!, the wicked have no desire to Pray. The Word of God has a lot to say about the danger, the danger of not Praying. Job 21:14:21 Here is the wicked. They say therefore, they say unto G-o-d, depart from us, we don’t desire the knowledge of Thy Ways, what is the Almighty that we should serve Him, and what profit should we have if we pray to Him. Think, someone saying those things: What do I get out of it! That is wicked talking. Because there in verse 7 it talks about the wicked. It says wherefore do the wicked live. Wherefore, it says, do they grow old, and become mighty in power. And in Verse 14 they say to God: Depart from us, we don’t desire the knowledge of Thy Ways, what is the Almighty that we should serve Him, and what profit should we have if we pray to Him. That is what they say. But watch what it says in Verse 16 and on.

    Number 1.- Lo, their good is not in their hand; the counsel [plan] of the wicked is far from me. So, the 1st result for people not praying, not wanting to praise, it says there is no counsel. They have no clue what they are doing. The counsel of the wicked is far from me. So, people that don´t pray cannot make right decisions in life, they have no counsel. The counsel of The Lord is not there.

    Number 2.- Verse 17 How oft is the candle of the wicked put out! You know what that means? NO LIGHT! And how oft cometh their destruction upon them! God distributeth sorrows in his anger. When people do not Pray, there is no counsel, they don´t know what they are doing, they can’t make up their minds. No Light, there is darkness in their life. It says in Verse 17 How often is the candle of the wicked put out!

    Number 3.- And how oft cometh their destruction upon them! So:

    Number 1: No counsel. Number 2: NO Light. Number 3: No protection. It says destruction comes. No protection. Verse 18 says: They are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carrieth away. Now, you know what this says? No preservation. Someone doesn’t Pray, God says there is no counsel, there is no light, there is no protection, there is no preservation in their life, everything they do blows off, like chaff in the wind. That is enough to scare me to Pray. Because Prayer then brings Counsel, Prayer then brings light, Prayer then brings Protection, and Prayer brings preservation. But if we don´t Pray we have the opposite. Now, look at this one, this is very scary: Verse 19 God layeth up his iniquity for his children: he rewardeth him, and he shall know it. No forgiveness for him or his kids. He rewards him and he will know it. I surely don´t want God not to forgive me, not to have mercy. You know what this says, no mercy, no forgiveness.

    So, someone says: I don´t want to pray. What do I get out of it? Well, I tell you what you are going to get out of it. You are going to get no counsel, and no Light – meaning darkness, and nothing will protect you, and nothing will stick around, all blow off with the wind, and then The Bible says something scary. Here. God lays up his iniquity for his children, like they pay for your sin. You know in the Scripture it says that the children will not pay for the sins of his father, ONLY GOD´S PEOPLE. Not the wicked. When it comes to the wicked, God says through the 4th generation, so you can use that. The wicked have no promise given to them, except destruction.

    But God tells the righteous I am not going to punish you for something your son does. I am not going to punish your son for something you do. But the wicked that is another story. And look at Verse 20. His eyes shall see his destruction, and he shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty. Wrath! Wow! So, you don´t pray wrath will go on your life. No Grace, No Mercy, No kindness, you Never know The Love of God, you will know His wrath! Katheryn Kuhlman used to say God´s wrath is as Perfect as His Love. So, here it is, if you don´t want to Pray, well you are having no counsel, no protection, no preservation, no forgiveness, and no mercy. I don´t want that, I surely want to Pray so that I have all the good side of things here. I want to have counsel, I want to have Light, protection, preservation, all that, I want it, forgiveness, I want God´s mercy on my life. Well then, get on your knees.


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