"Lord are you real?" A Man Finds God In Prison

Bosco Poon went to prison for gang involvement in a kidnapping. While in prison, he prayed to God and Jesus met him personally …


  1. I cant move on from my recent broken marraige… she was a loving wife. I didnt give her time and my addiction to alcohol was extrem. I love her so much. Though i treated her so wrong. When i realised it was too late for me she left me. Im living in guilt no able to move on been 4months . Im so depressed 😔 i hope and pray god will heal me with time 🙏

  2. Wow this is awesome. If he keeps following Jesus, He'll definitely lead him out of hardship and any troubles that may remain! The world would think that making a career recovery after prison would be challenging at best, but THE LORD MAKES A WAY 😁😁🥳 so awesome to hear this testimony!! My favorite part is how he talks to Jesus every day; I feel like that's something I could even work on. Just hearing Him more, even in the dark places and when it's hard to. This also gives me hope for those others who are in prison– if the heart is willing to come into agreement, Jesus makes a way. Love it!!

  3. Thank you lord for waking me up this morning. Please don't give up on me. I have been through alot, and, have no one to talk to. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

  4. The worst part about christianity in prison is the forced and somewhat “brainwashing” of the prisoners that are there
    Not to mention the children this gets pushed on if they don’t just lie to get a smaller sentence in the first place

    Remember kids…..getting forgiveness from something that you didn’t commit the crime against doesn’t do anything for the people you actually hurt

  5. I pray someone I love very much gives his heart to Jesus.
    In prison he has chosen to refuse salvation but where there is life there is hope.
    Fred, I pray you find this joy, peace and salvation through Jesus Christ.


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