In this Christian living video, Iā€™m going to show you how to live a simple and quiet life according to scripture. Living a simple and ā€¦


  1. 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 Make it your aim to live a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to earn your own living, just as we told you before. In this way you will win the respect of those who are not believers, and you will not have to depend on anyone for what you need.

    How is God asking you to live the simple and quiet life?

  2. Psa 119:125Ā Ā I am thy servant; give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies.

    There is such joy and relief in being an unworthy servant (Luke 17:7-10) and not having to constantly seek being acknowledged and promoting oneself to the front of the line. Some good news thenā€”servant status is the only heart posture accepted by our Master Jesus. Anything that we bring to Him of our own worth is rejected, including the need to be first:

    Isa 64:6Ā Ā But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

    Mat 20:16Ā Ā So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

    Amen, brother. Letā€™s understand humility and servanthood. Letā€™s live out a quiet, undistracted life in the Lord. @reverenddarrenmcclelland

  3. I do a tough job that brings we into contact with normal people day after day. I greet people with a smile every time I meet them and for a few short minutes bring a small amount of joy to their lives. For me, bringing joy to people and showing to others what it looks like to have the Lord inside you. When people ask me why am I always so happy and friendly to everyone I say, ā€œbecause I have the Lord inside me and Iā€™ve welcomed Christianity into my lifeā€

  4. This is good stuff, man. You should really research ā€œthe messianic secret.ā€ Itā€™s not a hard concept and is pretty much unanimously agreed upon amongst NT scholars. It will give you a better understanding of why Jesus often tells witnesses to ā€œtell no one.ā€

  5. i don't think that in those chapter of Mettew Jesus doesn't want popularity, it's just was not the right time, because later He said that the reason of being here in telling and spreading the nature and the Word of Father. But I totally agree that God wants us to live a life with Him in the center of our universe so if we are distracted we need to get rid of those distractions

  6. Hello sir! I donā€™t know if you respond to these, but I have a few questions about this message.
    I believe the moral of this message is true, to live humbly, in confidence from God, and be lifted by God at his timing.
    1. But I think our understandings of seeking praise is different. My highest love language is words of affirmation. I want to impress those I care about or look up to feel validated. This goes for God as well, his affirmation is the most important for me. A few times you said we shouldnā€™t do things for praise, but I believe itā€™s only natural for someone like a toddler to say, ā€dad look at meā€. My belief is that this is only an issue to seek praise from others who are not in your support system.

    2. I was thinking about how you said that Jesus wasnā€™t seeking fame by telling the leap itā€™s to stay quiet. But from my understanding, Jesus was quiet for some time about Him being the messiah because He had to wait before going loud with His message. (Idk for sure).
    I donā€™t believe He sought praise, but I donā€™t believe He avoided public attention.
    Crowds followed him, He taught them, commuted with them, and eventually told his disciples to preach to the world.

    I know Jesus lived a quiet life in the sense that He retreated to the wilderness often. But in the other hand, the mission God had for him required as many humans to know He is the messiah eventually.

    The second thought is not the hugest deal. Just a minor misunderstanding about how Jesus viewed attention.

    My main concern is the process of seeking validation from peers or God in what not.
    Anyway, I had a lot of revelations listening to this message sir! I believe God spoke to me through it and I am grateful!

  7. What a blessing. My husband and I believe we are called to live a simple life. Personally it started with minimalism, not realizing it was God all along.

    Our desire is to buy a home in the country, serve God more and just work part time. I believe we are caught up in a world that is passing away. The enemy wants us distracted. We need to focus on the things above, which I just spoke about on Thanksgiving.

    I'm grateful for this message because I believe God is calling all of us to fully surrender, to be fulfilled in Him which will lead us to a simple life that will fill us with much joy. Thank you for this video, what a blessing šŸ™

  8. I think living the simple and quiet life is essential & it means not doing stuff for the approval & recognition of people but instead making everything about GOD , & GOD will lift you up as you do. Amen šŸ™šŸ½

  9. Jesus did not live a quiet life, Paul did not live a quiet life, Peter didnā€™t and none of the apostles did either. He didnā€™t say that it just wasnā€™t his time to get killed.

  10. Did Jesus really live a quiet and simple life? He was harrassed and stalked and then betrayed by his own brethren. I know he maintain peace throughout this and lived humbly but we must also appreciate that this reality is also true. Just a thought and other perspective.

  11. This is me, my whole life. I've been a creative and artist my whole life. I never pursued material or monetary wealth. I do not enjoy being the center of attention, at any point, in my life. I like a good cup of coffee, hanging with my animals, creating, reading and living in peace and quiet and some comfy socks.

  12. Jesus didnā€™t want people going around telling everyone about the miracleā€™s he performed because he didnā€™t want people to lose sight of the ONE TRUE MIRACLE which is SALVATION and true forgiveness of our sins. The healing miracle of salvation through Jesus Christ!

    I do want to clarify though Jesus did tell the healed to spread the word (Mark 5:19-20). It depended on the SITUATION. If the sharing of the miracle would draw people in to hear His teaching, then it was necessary to share. If the miracle merely brought others who wanted a miracle without the life-changing salvation of God, it was useless (Mark 8:36).


  13. So how do we do this and not end up homeless living in a nation that prioritizes serving money?

    It would be easy to preach about living a quiet life if you make money preaching about living a quiet life.

  14. Necesitamos regresar a lo anĆ”logo, porque lo anĆ”logo tiene un proceso para terminar una acciĆ³n, lo digital es instantĆ”neo y eso le roba el sabor a las cosas.
    La popularidad es como lo digital, le roba el sabor a la vida, a esos procesos que toman tiempo y trabajo y al final obtienes una recompensa.

    Lo anĆ”logo es orgĆ”nico, lo orgĆ”nico es natural, lo natural es lo que Dios creo. Por eso lo anĆ”logo tiene valor y sabor, porque estĆ” acorde alo que Dios estableciĆ³ como BUENO.

    A simple and quiet life is analog.

  15. Using religion to prosper a cushy life ., grifting a media platform , āœļø., while millions of women and children are being murdered , starved, in the name of RELIGION, is thee most depraved act a human could commit. Instead of being a part of compassion to humanity-, feeding the hungry , helping the homeless, helping heal the sick( AS JESUS DID)ā€¦ you get ā€œ thisā€. ( I wanna vomit at this hypocrisy).

  16. I have a question, is it wrong to consume alcohol (wine). i Leave a simple and quit life too. spending quality time alone so as my consumption of (OH). I just wanna know am i wrong or sinning to do so. To be honest i even do it as i read my bible or listening to worships.

  17. I literally have been saying this since the beginning of the year. I watched the Netflix show ā€œMessiahā€ & a light bulb came onā€¦After the Messiah did all those great works/miraclesā€¦they invited Him to come speak of what He did at a church with several thousands of people. He arrived to the church (even though He didnā€™t want to go) & when it was time for Him to go on stage, He received a call (God) & He vanished without notice.

    What that did was allow me to see how a man with so much power & actual influence, never sought recognition. He had all of the bragging rights, but never did. When He got the call (from God) He IMMEDIATELY left to do the will of the Father. He did not explain anything to anyone, He obeyed. That is how our lives should be. Iā€™m only 5 minutes into your video, but Iā€™m grateful for the confirmation. God BlessšŸ™šŸ½

  18. I as a Christian know some lines from the bible . Hearing I ask from the holy races,

    From Heimdallā€™s sons, both high and low;

    Thou wilt, Valfather, that well I relate

    Old tales I remember of men long ago.[1]

    I remember yet the giants of yore,

    Who gave me bread in the days gone by;

    Nine worlds I knew, the nine in the tree

    With mighty roots beneath the mold.[2]

  19. Focusing on the well being and the kept of my house hold, not partaking in trying to fix others or ā€˜saveā€™ them. Really been focusing on letting go and taking a step back. Itā€™s been hard but itā€™s helped me see things differently.

  20. And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end,
    that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
    Hebrews 6:11-12

  21. this was so convicting in the best way possible. lately iā€™ve had this obsession with social media, creating on social media, to gain popularity or make money. i centered my content around God but deep down i was desiring the popularity that it may bring me. yet this has only brought me anxiety & has kept me distracted for hours & hours on end. i was debating for quite a while whether I wanted a quiet life or if i wanted to gain popularity on social media so i could have a ā€œlife more desirableā€, but this confirmed everything for me. why should i seek soemthing that Jesus wouldnā€™t seek. Jesus didnā€™t seek popularity, therefore neither do i. no longer will i strive to be fulfilled from social media & likes/views, i will be fulfilled in the Lord & find joy in the things that now seem ā€œbelow meā€ such as maintaining clean spaces, health, family etc. thank you for this. i truly believe God was speaking to me in this moment, telling me that a quiet life is exactly what is meant for us.


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