Live Q&A // Randy Clark, Bill Johnson, Daniel Kolenda, Michael Koulianos, and Joanne Moody

Join us live on air as we take questions from the chat, along with video questions that our viewers have sent in ahead of time. We’ll be with Randy Clark, Bill Johnson, Daniel Kolenda, Michael Koulianos, and Joanne Moody. Hosted by Dr. Tom Jones.


  1. The thing that really stands out for all of these leaders is how they are so devoted to God in prayer and life. Ready to “get out of the way” so Holy Spirit can move. Ready to see that God wants healing more than we do!! Thankyou for always giving us such great advice and wisdom so we can know His ways and know Him!!

  2. I like how theres no question about scriptures and the further understanding of it. No deep theological questions..just very surface level questions on how to be a fake healer. How to declare and decree things in your life as if your a little God yourself. These false teachers and prophets have NONE!! NO understanding of wonder they cant properly handle Gods word..the false hope they give about the weak powerless god made in their image is just utterly depressing. I feel so blessed to know Christ and him crucified for my sins and the only thing that means anything in my life.. I am a weak, powerless, wretched sinner and have my faith and hope in Christ alone!! Whatever tribulation follows I count as a blessing for my faith in him to be tested in such ways.. Please read your bibles and know the truth about Christ and the work HE did for you.

  3. wow this was so powerful. thank you for organising this & uploading it. i have been so blessed by this Q&A session that was filled with so much wisdom and truth that was shared in love. declaring that God will continue to use this ministry and platform to impact & speak into the lives of many others! 🙌🏻

  4. God’s wrath on the Egyptians was because they had to reap what they sow for abuse and slavery of the Hebrews. Even Jesus said the day of judgment will be harsh for Chorazin and Bethsiada.

  5. I am amazed at the testimony the healings and I agree what Daniel said about our COVID Time bit is a golden time. I have got internet at the right time as I had to work from home I got to participate in Perfume of Nations, Global prayer and waiting for May 19 to pray for Muslim nations and May 29 praying

  6. On the question concerning when to speak to the circumstance vs. petition the Father, sometimes I declare over the circumstance. For example, when I am going out to work in the garden and I know I am facing wasps, hornets, fire ants, snakes and other things, I have learned to affirm certain things. I will thank the Father that He has made me fearfully and wonderfully in His image, therefore I declare, no insects, creepy crawly things or evil will touch me or harm me in any way. Sometimes I have to speak to the wasps or ants and tell them they are not allowed to harm me or harass me and to leave in Jesus’ name. The end result is that I no longer have issues with the insect world. I learned to do this back when I walked my dogs (now departed) in the mornings and would encounter loose dogs or coyotes along the way. I tried many things to maintain control, none of which worked. Then one day, before going out I told the Lord that my ways had been futile, so instead I was going to pray for protection and trust Him. I saw amazing things occur after that on our walks. God is so good! But the point is that we sometimes need to be declaring things.

  7. We need to question what these people say against what the Holy Scriptures says. Demonic strongholds can hold a person captive to affliction and that person can be released from the affliction at the opportune time to be disguised as a healing from Our Father YHWH. These ministries are full of demonic spirits, kundalini spirits (Bethel), etc. Do research on all these so-called prophets and prepare to be enlightened. I do not judge them, I pray for them. YHWH will be their judge. I’m just warning you to study the Holy Scriptures yourself…you will be held accountable. Do not listen to man as he may mislead. Call upon the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth as you delve into the Holy Scriptures. Satan is the great deceiver, do not be deceived by anyone. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. You will not be standing next to any of these people come judgment day…you will be held accountable for your own actions. Selah


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