Listen To This Nigerian Prophet / He Claims I’m Being Used By The D€v¡l


  1. Luke 4 :43 “ I must preach the kingdom to other cities there for I’m I sent
    This man is quoting something else
    The spirit of error is so at work
    Please every soul hypnotized by this charlatan called proffx he has pulled the trigger to his own head
    See how God has disgraced him he tried to quote and the spirit of error took over
    It’s really true you don’t read your Bible go and read Luke 4 : 43 and compare to what he just said
    Charlatan master pull the trigger
    Just your nick name shows what you are
    Soon they will catch you with girls like your Brother charlatan jay israel

  2. The problem with pointing fingers, the devil can use that same energy to fool u into attacking even genuine man of God. The idea of always thinking u are right , u are doing God's work.

  3. You said and I quote "there's no amount of spirit that you need to understand the scriptures" really? You can as well say the Holy Spirit has no more teaching ministry, since you can interpret the scriptures by your intellectual capacity.

    Read (John 14:26, Matt 16:17, Matt 13:11, ROM 11:33, Gal 1:12) and be enlightened.

    Like the days of the Pharisees, they know the letters, just like you do, but lack the power of God's word. Bible says: "the letter kills, it's only the spirit that gives life".

    For your information, the devil also knows the scriptures but he cannot understand the truth of God's word.

    Paul said in 1Cor 1:7-8
    "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."

    If the princes of the world (those who understand the letter) knows the truth that its in the death of Jesus that mankind will receive eternal life would not have killed Jesus. But it is hidden to them. They have read the prophesy many times but lack the understanding of it. Why? Because Truth are not taught in classes, they are revealed.

    So Mr man, a simple question to you. How many people have been genuinely saved through your preaching?

    How many have been healed through your hands?

    How many have you delivered from spiritual oppressors?

    What's your credentials in praying for the nations or the church?

    What's investment in the body of Christ?

    You can continue to gain likes and followers by destroy men of God on your page, but I have a news for your? Your video will only bring more people to hear God's counsel through his mouth.
    It's an unpaid promotion and popularity.

  4. Young man, don't preach you limitation and frustration to your followers.

    Bible says: the kingdom of God is not in word but in power (1 cor 4:20)

    Now to your verse Luke 4:43. The key word is " Good news"

    What did the Bible call Good News? I will give you what Jesus Christ himself defined as good news

    Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity], (AMP version)

    Question: Is your Channel a platform for the propagation of the gospel? If you think so, the answer the following:

    Have you ever released a single captive through your YouTube channel?

    Have you made the blind to see?

    Have you deliver the oppressed?

    If you have not done any of the above, you are a baby in the things of God. You have no authority to communicate spiritual things.

    Wisdom is justified by her children.

    Show us the result of the "Good news" you know.

  5. Don't you think you are too quick brand someone a charlatan for saying people shouldn't attack men of God?
    I love when you expose evil men disguising as God's servants don't let it turn into an attack against all preachers.

  6. I man that says "you don't have to be spiritual inclined to understand things of the spirit" is a false teachers.

    1 Cor 2:14 "But the natural, nonspiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated."

    Bro stop fooling your followers

    From the scripture about it is crystal clear that you need to be a man of the spirit to understand spiritual things.

    Let Paul said 1 Cor 3:1

    Dear brothers and sisters, when I was with you I couldn’t talk to you as I would to spiritual people. I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in the Christian life.

    If you're not spiritual, you're an infant, so you can only speak to your fellow infants who know nothing about the things of the kingdom

  7. This is purely the strategy of the devil in this last days; to discredit all men of God from ignorant but zealous men like this guy who doesn't know his left from his right.

    From the look of things you profoundly lack discernment to know that which is profane from that which is not.

    I pray you won't be a tool in the hand of the devil for too long before you realize that you are neck deep in error.

  8. Proff ex………u going out of it….more over apostle arome wasn't referring to u…we Nigerians know who he was referring to…….. please you have been exposing the fake preachers……. please show us the genuine ones.

  9. Calling Arome Osayi a vagabond and a Charlatan have not addressed the issues raised by Him. Are you a member of a Church? Did your pastor said to you it is allowed for you to call a man of God a vagabond? you will be shamed beyond measure. Let us see between you and Apostle Arome Osayi who will be remembered for the works of the KINGDOM. I pray for your salvation. Stop Calling men of God Vagabonds and Charlatans. You are just lost.

  10. There's an endless supply of the fake, false, wannabe charlatans in the world. Proff ex is draining the swamps, exposing all who are hidding in the so called churches.
    Jesus Christ is The Truth, not any church. People sit down there listening to heresies. Come Lord Jesus Christ. 🙌🏾


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