Popular author and speaker Lisa Harper never married but wanted a child. When she heard about Missy, a dying orphan in Haiti, …


  1. God used that silly woman for His perfect timing. It was not your time but Gods ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts not our thoughts or the silly womans thoughts. God makes all things beautiful in His time.3v11.
    So beautiful you have so much love to give🥰✝️🙏🏻
    Hope, Faith, Love and the greatest of these is LOVE💞

  2. Thank you for sharing Miss Lisa Harper. I watch you on Better Together and heard of Missy. I am adopted and this brought tears to my eyes and touched my heart on so many levels levels.
    I am grateful to our Lord because he saved my life. I was not raised knowing the word and watching the Better Together I feel like I am in a row of seats behind you ladies. For the first time I feel like I fit in. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for loving Missy.
    God knows what he is doing. You never missed the boat to have children. God had a specific child for you waiting on you all along. His timing is perfect.
    God bless you both.


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