Popular author and speaker Lisa Harper never married but wanted a child. When she heard about Missy, a dying orphan in Haiti, Lisa fought for over 2 years to adopt her.

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  1. Testimonies are an indication that The Almighty God is at work. Testimony gives each one of us a different message that drives us to repentance. That's the real purpose of testimonies. Thank you dear people of God for using this platform to bring people who hunger for the truth, to Jesus Christ.

  2. I am like that little girl my mother died of HIV AIDS and later on I found out that I was HIV AIDS also the first people that find out they rejected me and took me to my grandmother I grew up with difficulties I've never use medicine but God was there to protect me keep my health now I am 28 years old I've never been sick God has been there for me now I'm taking medicine and I look like everyone else glory to God

  3. THIS is what this world needs to see more often. Thank you for your heart of love and compassion that matches our all mighty God. May God continue to bless you and Missy in everything you do. I will be praying for you two.

  4. I normally don’t leave post comments but after hearing how awful a so called friend advised hero go and adopt a pet I am taken away. I hope she ended that relationship that day. Anyone who speaks into your life that echos your fears and agrees with your insecurities is not sent from God. That is the devil!! Let us be aware of who is around us and readily rebuke Satan no matter who he speaks through.

  5. I know Lisa is doing everything in love, I truly do and so I don't want to be insensitive but when I first heard this I felt somehow and now after watching her sermon on elevation I'm reminded of it again. You know a child cannot consent to certain things. Their immediate family are the ones to protect them from the outside world. If you tell the story of how you got a child and how you nurtured them to health and that they weren't really wanted, although it may be true do you not think it is quite personal? And it can make the child seem like a charity case and not a human being. A child should not displayed as a "look at this great thing I did." When the child is of age and they can consent to their adoption story being told then that is okay but if you put it out there for the whole world to see, is that for you or for them? I know I wouldn't have liked that. A young black girl growing up in what I'm sure is a majority white town does not need to be looked at in that way, she should be seen as a normal person. I don't think personal health details of a baby should be put online, and I don't think a child should be told that they need a baby daddy, even as a joke, because they will internalize it, and it is not their burden.

  6. Beautiful story of healing and redemption. I’m sorry anyone would say such evil things to another human being about the desire to be a mom or for anything. But I’m beyond ecstatic that our God is a BIG GOD and He can do ANYTHING! God bless this beautiful mom and daughter. ♥️🙏🏾


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